they're freakish aren't they?

at this point, nanoweaponry somehow causing them directly (assembly) or indirectly as a bodily defense mechanism wouldn't surprise me at all

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My Mum can't find a single doctor willing to take hers out. Her "calamari" clot is "the entire length of her leg , from her toe to her hip" ... She is willing to have it taken out while she's alive! https://www.facebook.com/michael.gray.griffith.01/videos/1509997209581138?idorvanity=2016769821815236

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Video removed fb says, or it may just be because I’m not a member.

Your Mum is brave, but I’d want it gone too! Blasted doctors. They’re too scared to do anything cos they may lose their registration-well, they’ll be largely responsible for mankind’s demise. They’ve already killed/maimed so many people with these injections.

They’ll be sorry when they “own nothing” and are unhappy in a digital prison with the rest of us! Or dead-they’ll need to be disposed of. They don’t seem to understand what they have done/are doing. Stupid obedient plebs, just like many others.

I do realise not everyone is doing this intentionally, but when it comes to a medical procedure like for your Mum, I get so angry! BTW did your Mum have jab(s)? It sounds like I’m judging everyone, but I’m not-I know how violent the propaganda campaign has been.

But you’d think doctors-when they all got a letter from AHPRA saying they’re not allowed to criticise the “vax” or else-you’d think they’d wonder why? And maybe talk amongst themselves a little bit. Other medicos as well.

Not many doctors resigned when mandates came in, but comparatively a lot of nurses did. I don’t think most doctors stayed in their positions for the love of their patients or their work, but for the love of money! Asses! (As in donkeys). Look where we are now! I say most doctors are in love with the root of all evil. Go and join the so called elite bankers-you’d be horrified, doctors! I’m talking about Australian medicos BTW.

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I don’t know much about quantum stuff, except I’ve heard quantum dots in the body can be used to “identify” us. Digital identity/vax status.

So I don’t trust quantum anything, but I have heard that irradiating blood with UV or laser light has a positive effect on blood.

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Does all the junk in the air, food, water cause them as well-not just bio weapon injections? So we are all at risk?

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