Russell Broadbent is really appreciated fighting for those who want medical freedom. He is now an independant senator because of his beliefs, which is a good thing. We missed out on a few years of family allowance because we chose to stand against vaccinations. We do not regret this at all. Yes the money could have gone to benefit us, get the car serviced, paid for education, bought needed clothes etc. but you cannot put a money figure on good health. The Governement should be made to pay all outstanding allowances for discrimination.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

"He called me and commanded me therefore I knew him but later on he failed me therefore I slew him"

Until you people rise up and put this government down you are nothing but worms.

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that is the absolue truth, there is no other way...

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But that’s what they want, so they can bring in martial law-forever. I agree we need to lose gov’t though. https://jakejackson.substack.com/p/hurricane-beryl-preparedness-and

This person has been working on how to get rid of government and keep them out of our lives. Read through to the end and you’ll find his work.

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This mandarin thinks he can make the problem go away with a 3 sec apology.

He must be tried, convicted, and spend decades of his life in a small cell or worse.

It does not matter what he "thought" it matters what he did.

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They are still making ghastly decisions now.

Just yesterday there was a move to provide support to young babies who somehow are born after failed abortions. Then left to die with no support.

And the psychopaths voted it down. A great many of them female.

We open floodgates to human bioweapons from the 3rd world. And we abort our own, wholesale.

Sickening stuff.


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It is mind boggling for certain. Insanity is now common.

Baby killing is sold as "choice" .

As you point out they are psychopaths.


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We live in a proto-totalitarian society dominated by pseudo-scientific administrators and experts in the psychological manipulation of populations by propaganda. Our parliaments are a mixed bag, but the real evil is in the permanent public service, state and federal, which is really running the country. Public servants are bureaucrats who live and work in a corporate environment that has top-down management and is run as a closed system. Just go to Canberra and see what a society dominated by the conformist public service mentality is like. You get socialism on steroids.

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I moved from The UK to Australia in 2017 with my 4yo. He had all the recommended UK shots (If I could take those back I would for reasons I could discuss in detail but a different conversation). In Australia it was required that my son also have the chicken pox and rotavirus vaccines in order to access a discount on childcare (afterschool programmes). Well he contracted chickenpox as a two year old and as such had immunity and as a four year old living in an modern city with quality water and sanitation was at little risk of Rotavirus and even if contracted now old enough now for it to pose little threat. Needless to say because of our experiences and the unnessary shots we decided to pay the full childcare costs (we able to financially absorb). There was no option for our individual circumstances to be taken into account - make your 4yo undergo unnecessary medical procedures or pay extra $100s a month. I mentioned this to people at the time and the just shrugged it off (the inference being just get the shots and stop making a drama) It was much the same during COVID although now some people are directly affected - injuries and financial penalties) they are able to find some outrage.

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If we stop the vaccines... 8B will soon become 20B... and huge numbers will live till 90+ and the will collapse the pension system and the global economy.

Is that what everyone wants?

Think long and hard about that

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Thank you for your reliable info updates.

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Try to find any reason medically why anyone should accept chemicals injected into their body. There are countless claims with little to no, and mostly no actual independently verifiable evidence that these injections are Safe and in any way Effective. Arguing about risk/benefit balance is to ignore the reality that completely healthy people, children especially, are being chemically and biologically assaulted, as well as suffering physical assault with substances that have NOT been properly tested against a true placebo in a controlled trial where the process is independently monitored and accessed.

No so called 'Vaccine' has ever been subjected to a true controlled clinical trial using a genuine placebo and a representative range of participants that reflects the population demographic. Not one of the vaccines have ever been subjected to an actual scientific process to access both Safety and Efficacy which is independantly assessed and verified.

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Australia's Pollies dropped the ball on preserving our human rights and threw them all in the bin. I am only thankful I was allowed to refuse the GMO's and step down from the nursing profession which I no longer respect or miss. We may not get a choice with the next mRNA GMO and they have had full UN personnel protections embedded in our Criminal law act 95 since 2000. If they are 'deployed' here to administer to the millions they are untouchable with sentences ranging from seven years for assault to life if anyone dare 'interfere' with a jab visit. As our Government has not budged on the use of mRNAs and done everything to whitewash what they have already done a further lock down and jabbery is still to be expected. Note also how public media, the only voice of sanity throughout the last four years is on their target list for silencing and the UK from which most of our laws are based is now a totalitarian country with two years sentences for facebook posts. The 'thou shalt not provide medical services by conscription' in our constitution proved useless and so still the Covid train ploughs on relentlessly. The rejection of the GMO court case by the non recusing ex Pfizer lawyer Rofe is also deemed to never resurface as the judge on it is a ex New Zealander where they all followed their Government fanatically. Unlabelled GMO meat has just been approved there as they are Gates mates like Albo. If Rofe falls the madness will stop but every way out is usually blocked so we shall see.

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