Apr 25Liked by Ian Brighthope


George Harrison called it all those years ago, in another of His masterpieces 'Devils Radio'.

Where were the trusted doctors?

What, desperately looking after their fucking trailing commissions as opposed to their patients?

Apparently some bloke 2000 odd years ago said 'the love of money is the root of all evil'

I reckon He might be onto something.....


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Not sure about the doctors but I spoke to a nurse at a gathering in New Zealand and she readily admitted they were shooting covid patients with the Big M...

She said 'they were suffering so badly' implying the Big M was all about compassion.

Fascinating psychology at work with this ... I'll assume all involved including the doctors ... believed it was a good thing.

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Fucking hell, Eddy. Where did it all go so wrong?

So, modern health practitioners engage in murder as a compassionate 'viable option' in treating people...........


I think it should be renamed The Hypocrites Oath and modern day practitioners should first do maximum harm.

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Apr 25Liked by Ian Brighthope

No wonder they won't let the coppers who didn't fall for this farce back into the force. They would be duty bound to make mass arrests starting with their bosses.

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Apr 25Liked by Ian Brighthope

What of Remdesivir as a required part of the treatment protocol used in Australian hospitals for so called Covid-19 victims administered? Check side effects in Wikipedia - what might be the 'side effects' when given in combination with strong sedatives? Sound like the way to treat the presenting condition?

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Apr 25Liked by Ian Brighthope

I saw a video earlier today by a nurse who said when she got sick with COVID that she got 3 doses of REMDESKIVIR in hospital, They only made her feel worse. She did some research on the drug on the internet. Fauci beleive it or not created it. After taking some Ivermectin at home her lung condition was resolved in just a couple of days. I said to myself what a nice lady.

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In 2020, contrary to the instruction from the WHO, medical people in Lombardi, Italy conducted 60 autopsies of those believed to have died from Covid. Almost all had a congestion of the blood around the lungs and showed a bacterial overgrowth in the blood. On further examination they discovered that there was also a fungal growth and the hemoglobin had changed nature and was unable to take up sufficient oxygen.

People arriving at the hospitals struggling to breath to the point of incapacitation and otherwise showing signs of Covid were treated with Ivermectin, vitamin D and some other treatments (maybe antibiotics) would commonly walk out again just three days later. Of course this did not fit the 'official' narrative and had to be stopped. It was never an accident, never a case of mistakes that resulted in the trail of death and injury we are experiencing today.

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Hi Ian, My Downs syndrome brother was murdered yes murdered (euthanised is not the correct word here to use) in the Shepparton Vic hospital/ nursing home with Midaz and morphine. It was March 2022 and I had just been listening to you on a podcast interview, speaking about these evil protocols being carried out in the hospitals.

I demanded they stop, called them out on it for what they were doing, whilst they were doing it and the response “I’m just following orders,” just like the Nazi’s.

I’d seen this coming from the outset of the pandemic. Knew my brother was on the hit list when they tried to get me to sign a do not resuscitate.

To this day it is difficult for me to even write this. Ian, I’m a holistic therapist. I knew what was coming years before the convid.

I am in the throes of launching my Substack. I would dearly love to chat in podcast with you about this and more, one day soon. Thank you for your work. Warm regards Dee.

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I am devastated for you Dee. I’m sure you loved your brother very very much. These murderers must be dealt with. I have been wondering if there is someone with the courage and skill to establish the world’s first peoples international judicial courts to prosecute the guilty tens of thousands.

I would be happy to do the podcast with you Dee.

May your dear brother be blessed and in peace.

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So incredibly sorry to hear what happened to your brother Dee. It sounds incredibly similar just a different hospital in Australia.

Sadly like you, I was already aware of what had happened in the UK & naively thought it wouldn’t happen in Australia & never dreamt it would happen to my sister.

Sadly my sister’s partner had next of kin rights & they convinced him it was the “right thing to do”. I asked him what they were giving her & he didn’t know he just said they were making her “comfortable”.

It was only when I finally got the hospital, which was in a different state, that I found out what they were giving her.

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My deepest condolences to you and yours too. The truth is, this evil going on in hospitals was happening long before the convid. In 2016 they starved and dehydrated my mother to death whilst she was in a coma. Like you my brother (acting ignorantly) as the power of attorney, went along with it without any resistance, but he was quick to shut me down when I tried to educate him. It was 11 long suffering days before mum passed.

Sometimes it has felt like a curse to see and know the truth and being totally powerless to do anything about it. I couldn’t save them, but I sure as hell managed to stop numerous others from getting the jab. Lest we forget and instead let our experiences drive us to expose the evil doers.

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Denial of steroids and antibiotics at the appropriate time left sick people vulnerable to needing hospital care. At that point, it didn't take much to kill them. Of all the stories we have heard, I have not heard of a single sick person who escaped hospital, then went home and got real treatment, and died of "covid". That says a lot.

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Yes it is used in Australian hospitals.

My sister was administered morphine & midazolam after doctors declared to her partner that the seizures she had that brought her to hospital & the aspirated pneumonia she acquired in hospital were too damaging for her to recover normal life.

The drugs started being administered before I reached the hospital (different state)

The fact that the hospital had put, without family authority, a dnr on her 7 months earlier that we demanded be removed. Back then she told me while I was with her in hospital that they are trying to kill her. Her words not mine. I sat with her for 2 weeks in hospital being her watcher to let her rest & make sure she was getting the right treatment. She wasn’t physically healed enough when they discharged her but had recovered enough for the hospital to justify doing so.

She then lived for another 7 months before the post mRNA vaccine seizures & hospital protocol took her from us

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Our stories are nearly identical. Please see my comment to Ian below. My brother had pneumonia at the time - so they say.

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Sorry for your loss. Never stop sharing her / your story

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'...the United Kingdom (under Health Secretary Matt Hancock) purchased two years’ worth of Midazolam in March 2020, and was looking to purchase much more...

That is a 104.91% increase in the number of prescriptions issued for Midazolam... But these weren’t issued in hospitals, they were issued by GP practices which can only mean one thing, they were issued for end-of-life care.'

What happened to my profession of nursing? How is it that nurses willingly participated in genocide of the elderly and frail, to bump up the death statistics that were then renamed 'covid deaths'?


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Dreadful, another way big harma makes money. Do the nurses and doctors who administered these drugs in aged care too realize they were murderers?

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Dr Campbell legitimises the establishment too much , but here he compares excess deaths to Midazolam use in the UK . In overlaid graph form, its extremely telling

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I wrote a letter and informed the World Medical Association and have received an answer.

My moral responsibility as a doctor to inform is completed. As is my days as a whistleblower.

My work to inform the world about the harmful strategy of Sweden has now come to an end.

Link to WORD:


Link to PDF


Link to answer from WMA:


My full text to WMA:

Illegal euthanasia implemented via Sweden´s official Covid-19 strategies, and the resulting consequences needing urgent WMA intervention

Dr Jon Tallinger

Kristinebergsgatan 11

575 39 Eksjö





8 July 2020

Dr Miguel R. Jorge (President)

Dr David Barbe (President Elect)

Dr Andreas Rudkjøbing (Chair of the Ethics Committee)

All Leaders & Council Members of World Medical Association

13, ch. du Levant

CIB – Bâtiment A

01210 Ferney-Voltaire


Official Sweden Covid-19 directives of senicide force Illegal Euthanasia on vulnerable elderly; doctors compromised

Dear fellow medical colleagues,

    I am a 50-year-old specialist i allmänmedicin (general practitioner in Sweden with specific responsibilities) urgently appealing to the World Medical Association to officially approach the government of Sweden and make them accountable to my fellow medical colleagues in Sweden and worldwide, regarding a lack of ethics in 4 important issues which completely violate the Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Helsinki and a declaration adopted at the 70th WMA General Assembly in Georgia during October 2019 against Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide:

1) Official directives specifically focus on elderly in nursing homes and deny them oxygen and basic medical attention such as being sent to hospitals, but are remotely prescribed Morphine and Midazolam if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 without actual examinations while withholding information about official directives affecting the elderly. This results in disregarding the wishes of their loves ones who eventually wind up with the anguish of losing their parent(s).

2) Questioning and insisting on making public the statistics rendered confidential and not available to the Swedish public during this period of the pandemic, which definitely affects Sweden’s official approach on issues such as the extent of insufficient PPE, insufficient medical equipment including drugs for treating pneumonia, insufficient hospital beds, purchasing of testing reagents for Covid-19 tests, and withholding the journals of the elderly in nursing homes containing information to confirm unethical decisions and actions killing the elderly.

3) Sweden’s official strategies are justified by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. He has been wrong on too many occasions while refusing to provide necessary science to justify his experimental approach for months, and his pattern of consistent errors for months has made me question whether he understands the responsibilities and ethics of being an epidemiologist in public health. I can only conclude that Sweden’s official approach is forcing more than 10 million lives in Sweden to experience an ongoing process of herd immunity without a vaccine.  

4) Swedish doctors being forced to obey official directives going against fundamental medical ethics as doctors while officially disregarding the lives and basic rights of patients and inflicting inhumane human rights violations, or being reported and then penalised if failing to adhere to such official directives, while the creators of such inhumane directives are still unidentified. 

Since a few days after my going public on the issue on 10 April, I have been on official leave from my medical duties, in order to try to collect as much information as possible to add to what I was forced to confront in the official directives I have been given to carry out. saved this from 2020

When I read the protocols describing the definition of BS19, EVERYTHING was the super deadly boogeyman.

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Interesting. Yet Sweden is being held by the Truther Movement up as the poster child for how the rest of the world should have dealt with the ‘pandemic’ medical ‘emergency’, especially in relation to Government lockdown policy.

Regarding the official Midazolam / morphine protocol, what is concerning is how it seems to have been adopted worldwide as a way to manage extreme Covid symptoms.

Does anybody know where the original impetus came from.

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All of our realities are spoon fed.

The perception management feed both sides of everything we see

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I’m not a physician but isn’t midazolam a sedative used for the intubation process? (Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get the ventilator “installed”). You could certainly argue that intubating patients was the wrong thing to do but saying they were intentionally euthanized is going take a lot more evidence to convince me.

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Following protocols is the easiest way to overcome scruples!

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Treating febrile seizures with midazolam

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