Well said. At least she had an audience. When our senators speak out all the other senators run for cover.

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" . . . other senators run for cover."

Rules Must be place to impose a Minimum $5,000 fine for not participating in parliamentary sittings. Why are taxpayers paying their salaries?

The majority of these senators have never worked one day in the real world, they are parasites on our economy; worse than the long term dole bludgers.

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What vile human beings those opposition heckling politicians are. It should not be allowed. What is the Speaker's job, if not to shut down such abusive behaviour while another politician has the right to speak. Just despicable. How can anyone take governments seriously when this behaviour is allowed. Wouldn't be condoned in a school class room & children would not behave that way anyway. Tanya did a marvellous job nevertheless.

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Tanya is a courageous person, of high integrity and genuine compassion. She also possesses a high intellect and critical thinking capacity.

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The lesson we need to learn ... is we only have a matter of weeks to save the future ...




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