Re: "The Medical Board of Australia, the Australian Medical Association and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners are captured organisations and have had no qualified, experienced and independent leadership for the past several decades."

These organisations are an absolute disaster.

They stood by while coercion and mandates were imposed to make people submit to COVID-19 vaccination, under threat of loss of livelihood and participation in society.

It's impossible to obtain valid consent from people who are under duress, and who are being mis/disinformed by public health terrorism, beating up the threat of 'Covid'.

How on earth did the medical profession go along with this?

And now here we are, with 72.5 million COVID-19 doses administered across the country, and there is NO VALID CONSENT. Voluntary informed consent has been destroyed.

How many practitioners were involved in the administration of the 72.5 million doses?

Also, the practitioners do not have specific liability protection for administering the COVID-19 injections, the Morrison Government lied to them about this, only a vaccine claims scheme was put in place, which is not the same.

So what is this going to mean?

If the practitioners injected people they knew were under duress, are they not liable? They should not have collaborated with coercion and mandates.

Also consider the damage done to many of the people who refused to submit to coercive and mandatory vaccination - losing their jobs and participation in society when discrimination was imposed, and also the destructive impact on family and social relationships.

It's a disaster, and still most people don't understand how bad this is...

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You are so right, as usual Elizabeth. I think some people signed waivers saying they wouldn’t hold the jabber responsible though.

The medical”profession” went along with it because they were scared of big bad AHPRA, as you know Elizabeth. They all wanted their “high lifestyle” at the expense of people’s lives-in other words, they were scaredy-cat selfish pricks, not even wondering why? Why did AHPRA threaten to take their jobs away? What was it about this “vaccine” that people just had to have it, and the medicos profited from it as far as I know.

Scaredy-cat prick bastards. That’s (most) of the medical profession.

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wonder how valid those waivers are - most waivers are little stays - they don't eliminate lawsuits, just make them a little less sticky.

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Ok, that’s interesting, I didn’t know that.

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They are kind of a CYA attempt to prevent lawsuits, but they are not necessarily preventative.

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Well said, except you left one thing out. It was known within three months that the shots were dangerous, deadly and ineffective. All of the medical directors of all those groups you mention, the federal and state governments also. They all are guilty of criminal negligence, intensionally pushing a shot on innocent fellow Australians knowing many would die and many more would have lifetime disabilities.

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Well actually, there should never have been a ‘vaccine solution’ at all, for a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people…

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I agree 100%. They "them" also knew that from the beginning. I get very annoyed when I hear critics of the Covid policy refer to policy as an error or mistake. There were non it was all by intension. 👍

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Unfortunately most people are very insecure and the doctors like a security blanket. But there has to be a better system

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If it was KNOWN - then why didn't MOST Aussies know this?

MSM. And Docs bought it, too.

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Janey Hardon Halton Girl needs to go first and look like an inverse spined echidna after her 8 doses. Then Janey Hardon Halton Girl needs to report to her davos school peers and report on how safe n effective her experience was.

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Funny! I’d pay to see that, but I’m broke!

Her Davos peers need to experience this also! I think more than 8 doses though……

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Jane Halton is the chairperson of CEPI a gates inititative to push Vaccines headquartered in Switzerland.

How she juggles that position and her Fderal Government dutie4s is beyond me., and Advisor/chair of/ to Morrisons inner 6 people covid Advisory committee

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I think I’d just like to forget about her, she’s not worth our energy. There’s something not right about her (spiritually) & that’s all I’m going to say.

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I think the vast majority would like to forget esp., those who were Lab Rats by mertely breathing air unknowingly in AUstralia long before the PlanSacmDemic.

Whole families that suffered in so many ways, their lives shattered permanently and many of the illnesses some died and others with ongoing Chronc illnesses.

THere are many people who still need matters spelt out for them, so that they can understand the true FACTS of what happened to them/famiolies/friendsand the world wide pattern of this PLanScamDemic.

Then the jigsaw becomes more apparent and the carbonm copies of merthodfology, strategies etc., of this maniupuative/ CONTROLgroup being disseminated throughout the World.

It also clears their minds and builds on their knolwedge levels.

So when they see Haltons name or reference and to her husband, a borther in law (he was VIctorian Health MInister re COviScamPlanDemic with those draconiuan Regulations.

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Brett Sutton was Victoria’s Chief Health Officer (CHO), Vic’s Health Minister was Jenny Mikakos, who was replaced (sacrificed) by someone else, I can’t remember the name.

Brett Sutton has said Trevor Sutton is not his brother.

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🇦🇺⚖️ Jail time for Morrison, Hunt, Kelly, Skerritt, Murphy, Andrews, Halton, Chant, Sutton, Hazzard, Gunner, Palaszczuk, Berejiklian, McGowan…have I missed anyone?

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EVERYONE who had/ has a seat at the fake National Cabinet, Peter Doherty & associates, ALL CMO's & assistants, Any & ALL scum who were in on the scam, judiciary, defence, police, ( it's getting crowded) church leaders, captains of industry, their family members ( all communications to be forensically examined),etc. Commence with the low hanging fruit with incentives if they sing like a bird. ALL assets to be frozen & passports confiscated in the first instance. Plenty of additional scum to be named if required.

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Great! But who will carry this out? How & where to start?

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The Aligned Council of Australia declare that they have over 1.7 million disenfranchised, thumb twiddling,members/ supporters. John Larter is the Chairman of the ACoA, combined with all of the all self proclaimed freedom leadership & their supporters, allowing for a cross over of same supporters, is a good start. What do the people want?

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Grand Jury by normal individuals. (Of course by people who know what’s going on, either just by knowing, or unfortunately having a jab injury)

The thing that Reiner Fuelmich was so eloquently showing people how to do. And now he’s rotting in gaol in Germany-betrayed by people he was working with. He’s being made an example of, and he’s been there since Oct 2023. On some ludicrous charge. These people are pure evil.

Vengeance is Mine sayeth The Lord, and I believe Him. But The Lord knows we are in a war, and we have to fight however we can.

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What happened to Reiner Fullmich?

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He got ambushed in Mexico picking up a new passport at German embassy, German cops of some sort arrested him there and flew him back to Germany. His wife was with him, not sure what happened with her. Anyway, they put him in some jail, on a trumped up charge, brought about by the very people he was doing the Grand Jury with. All about him stealing money which of course he didn’t do.

That was October 2023! He represented himself at the trial, which took months to happen. He was always brought out in handcuffs and foot shackles. Bloody ridiculous! Poor bloke.

I lost track of what happened part way through the trial, but I heard some time ago that he was still in jail. He was obviously being made an example of.

This is a short version-if you want to know more, go to Elsa Scheider (no “n”) substack.

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Covid Royal Commission

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Yes, possibly so, and most certainly, in my opinion, some employees from the Garvan and Kirby institutes. As for the politicians (and public health experts) again, can you imagine how say Jane Halton would feel if she were to experience what this poor lady had gone through? (I wish Malcolm Roberts could read some of these reports out in Parliament.)

🇦🇺💉”From here I ended up in the ICU having tubes cut into my neck and down into my artery (the pain of that was like nothing I’d ever experienced) and placed on CRRT (chronic renal replacement therapy) for 20 hours, where I vomited and retched for the first four hours, before they gave me additional ondansetron to stop it.” AZ and Pfizer https://www.instagram.com/p/CY5tWLWP60v/?igsh=djZiODdvc21oZWEy

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How awful, poor lady indeed David. Sorry, I can’t “like” your comment, I agree with you but this is so sad.

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It is awful, rrodynmac. That one is not granted an exemption to the next injection after suffering such horrific injuries is hard to fathom. I once sent this story to Naomi Wolf, and she was gobsmacked. When I showed it to a couple of family members, they expressed no interest whatsoever.

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Goodness, some people really have lost the ability to care about others-or is it that they don’t want to admit that such things have occurred-have they taken a jab or 3, and just want it all to go away. Or if I don’t acknowledge it, it’s not real-leave me alone, that won’t happen to me. (But deep down, really, I’m scared)

My family members are the same. I understand. I’ve just given up on them. But, by crikey I’m going to try and scare them into not getting digital ID, or at least don’t link anything to the existing one. Hackers, gov’t spying, CBDCs, hackers stealing their identity, their money-all of it-stealing their name and the title of their house, etc etc.

I don’t need to tell anyone here, I’m sure, that if a majority of people get digital ID, we’re pretty much finished, as private sovereign people (not citizens-sovereign citizen is an oxymoron). We cannot let foolish people finish us off again! We just can’t!

There are lots of true examples of hacking happening, or data lost, in the mainstream news. Internet is easier to show people, but I guess they still show things like this on 6 o’clock news. (I haven’t watched it in 7 or more years.)

Sorry for the long comment David, the second part is really aimed at everyone on this blog.

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Thanks for your thoughts, rrodynmac. You’re probably right; a multitude of reasons, but particularly fear I think. That’s why I admire so much those who are jabbed and who speak up: Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Paul Marik, Dr John Campbell, Steve Kirsch and more.

Yes, digital ID and the road to a hi-tech totalitarianism. I must say the bird flu nonsense isn’t working too well for the globalists. 🦟 Hopefully the GM mozzie won’t either: https://www.ogtr.gov.au/gmo-dealings/dealings-involving-intentional-release/dir-207

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Dear David Wrote (I wish Malcolm Roberts could read some of these reports out in Parliament.)

I state if Malcolm Roberts is genuine, (He should read these reports out in Parliament.) for Hansard capture.

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If you follow his Facebook account, you’d likely agree that Senator Roberts is genuine. Some of his posts for example have stated that he wants certain public servants jailed.

There must be limitations with what you can present in Parliament in respect to anecdotal cases. Senator Roberts has cited important studies, however. His opponents continue to lie, with their safe and effective rebuttals.

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Jacq has a good point though-he gets up and says speeches, I’m not sure why he couldn’t speak about anecdotes, I’ve heard other senators do it, in respect to many different subjects.

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Reasons of patient confidentiality and anecdotes aren’t evidence according to the government - I’m not sure. I mainly just share information. Jacq may wish to investigate this matter.

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Good point Jacq-see what I wrote to David.

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Correct. Our politicians cannot hide behind these dangerous bureaucracies they have created. They have also used ACMA and other agencies to censor the truth and have relentlessly denied freedom of speech because it will expose their crimes against humanity. They tried hard to ram their evil mis/disinformation bill through parliament so they could lawfully attack truth as mis/disinformation. Another beacon of evil for this list is Roger Cook, the then - Health Minister under the MaoGowan dictatorship in W.A. Perhaps a few other health ministers need to be added to this list as well. Finally, WHO lover and wannabe tyrant Mark Butler would only just miss the cut.

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Well, they’re still giving “covid” jabs, so I reckon the current mob are all in on it too-especially Mark Butler. He rushes to sign anything on a piece of white paper. I’ve never known about anyone quite like him.

I wrote to my local federal member about something to do with the WHO, who did respond, but he also got Butler (or rather a staff member of his), to respond to me as the “official” answerer.

Or are we only really talking about the “First Wave” of bullshit artists?

I must read the Prof’s newsletter again!

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I have written to health tyrant Butler's office. And Like all the other matters I have addressed with various politicians, none of them reply to my concerns. In Butlers case, I took a further step and rang his office regarding his obsession with signing Australia up to the WHO against the peoples wishes. His secretary replied and treated me with contempt, effectively trying to brainwash me into the need to commit to.... (in my opinion)- the unelected, unaccountable and undemocratic tyrants of the WHO. It is interesting to note that this criminal cabal under their constitution, is exempt from the laws of any nations that sign up to it since 1947. Why would an organisation make itself immune from prosecution for crimes such as sterilising, maiming or killing people with dangerous products? Unless of course, they are eugenicists' who have deliberately structured this organisation for population reduction / genocide?

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This is a really good, educational comment peter, and good on you for ringing his office.

I hope many people read what you’ve written.

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Their incompetency is inexcusable, too, with their credentials not being in line with their portfolios. I listened to Halton earlier in YouTube giving a November 2024 presentation on behalf of CEPI, on pandemic preparedness and vaccination in poor countries. What does she know about vaccines? They would never, it seems, want to appoint someone like Dr Nikolai Petrovsky to the position. Butler in his public service position is of course no different.

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Nikolai Petrovsky is Chairman and Research director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, an Adelaide-based biotechnology company focused on vaccine development. He's not the answer Dave, he loves vaccines.

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Well, any ethical vaccinologist just like him, Roc, as vaccines are here to stay. Petrovsky spoke out against the genetic injections, and faced considerable backlash.

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Because he was trying to get his own "vaccine" across the line Dave & failed. Ethical vaccinoligist, that's a good one .

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Of course - he’s a vaccinologist. His was protein-based, and met with some success overseas.

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Ya think? Does not jailing these criminals cost members of civil society?

There may be a better solution...

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They sure do cost civil society, in the hip pocket for all the time they are interned.

I cannot pay all my bills including, electricity, car rego, trailer rego, comprehensive car insurance, phone/internet, private health insurance, water rates, land rates, work clothes/safety boots, food, 4 x toothbrushes per year, toilet paper etc.

Why should we pay these criminals to be jailed?

Yes, there is another solution, possibly many. Here is two that I recently heard.

1. Strip them of all their assets to pay their way through a life jail term

2. Strip them of all their assets, sell off assets with monetary outcomes entered into a credit union account and provide to jab injured people and deliver these heinous criminals into the down only lift where they belong with their peers.

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firing squad

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Thousands mate, every doctor had the ability and knowledge back in early 2021 to guide their ethics to not give the shots and just say go to a government jab center to get a shot if you want to. Most went along for the ride and encouraged patients to have the shots. Any doctor who gave the shots needs to be struck off.

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I think they got well remunerated to do so, also.

They must be like robots, as much as I hate to mention robots. Why didn’t they question what was happening? Surely they would think something is off here, and have a good look. No curiosity? I’d wonder what was up, I hope so anyway.

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They had the know how and refused to look. No excuses.

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Fair enough!

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Oz Dave, Yes many., but it requires an employee to list all those elgible for Jail time or more final solutions

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Frydenberg, many other politicians who knew. Why didn’t they tell the public that they didn’t have to have the jab? Gutless.

And I’m fully in agreement with Roc. Also, any “epidemiologist”, like the fat woman who was one third of the overseers of one of the many useless inquiries-can’t remember her name, someone will know, or look it up for me. She’s such a pinnacle of health. No offence meant to any ordinary fat people like me, just offence meant to fat people who are in on it. (I’m not really that fat, just big boned-@ 5 foot nothing)🙂

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Yes, the list is long, and the main culprits have nearly all scattered with their pot of gold.

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Sure ya are short stuff ;-)

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Ain’t it the truth!

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Fat slug aka Catherine Bennett.👍

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Thank you Roc! Raina McIntyre must be another one-her name came to me but not the Bennett woman. Not sure who Raina is with, or how to spell her name!

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Yes Raina Macintyre, at the Kirby Institute/UNSW

She was out there during ‘Covid’ demanding people be masked up and jabbed.

Who ARE these people?!

Sitting in their sinecures in universities and interfering in our lives.

Way past time to put the spotlight on their influence…

See for example this article on @DemocracyManifest:

"Pacific Eclipse": Darkness Dawns:


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Thanks Elizabeth! I have seen this-I subscribe to democracymanifest-I just haven’t given this article the time it deserves! Will read it properly, soon.

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Doctors and their representatives must lobby political parties to ensure this is done. If they, their retired colleagues and representatives fail to do this, then nothing will change. In fact it will just get worse.

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It does work. So many of us lobbied the cross bench to squash the Misinformation bill and we were successful. We weren't successful in getting the government to not sign the WHO agreement but what we learned after writing to MPs is that they hadn't even read the agreement. Unbelievable but true. All too busy. So our efforts resulted in 12 or 14 signatures from MPs requesting the government delay signing. Then dopey Mark Butler signed as quickly as he could urging other countries in his speech to get it done asap. Most countries had many questions and got a lot changed in the original agreement but not Australia. We've now handed over our health to unelected overseas bureaucrats to manage . I've read the agreement and it's dystopian. They can call pandemics lockdowns and force treatment. We are in for a ride. Australians need to get involved in politics more than ever before

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I agree. Join the Aligned Council of Australia.

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I'm a member.

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Yes, we have to get involved and one way to do this is to help organise and participate in a massive rally to shut down Canberra and force the Government to withdraw authorisation for the deadly bioweapon that has been pushed on innocent Australians as a solution to a massive media campaign that censored all debate, discussion and even genuine questions. If anyone can help organise this I would love to hear from you. This is a matter of life and death and too many Australians have already died, but doctors under threat de-registration do not put the true cause of death on death certificates.

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You may find some equal ground with this Aussie-Michael Ginsberg.

Email michael@actionabletruth.media

website: https://actionabletruth.substack.com/

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Thanks for noticing and remembering that about Mark Butler! I remember it too! What a horrible treasonist thing. No alliance shown whatsoever with the Australian people. What is his life worth? He’s going to make lives of so many Aussies pure hell, or simply put to death.

His alliance lies with satan.

I think they might have “let us win” against mis/dis info, something else more important was happening, maybe the digital ID? Mis/dis info was just a distraction.

Us, the people are never going to get a win, unless we up the ante. (Or is it anti).

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I wish that lobbying political parties would be an option but not much evidence that either of the major parties has any interest in the truth - or justice. They protect their own.

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So true

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Lib/Lab/Green/Nationals/Teals, all one uniparty. We really need to make gov’t irrelevant, circumvent them.

They are committing Treason, and we have to get them on that! Grand Jury on Treason. Won’t take long, we know almost all are guilty.

Where is the Aligned Council of Australia? What can they do? Why aren’t they doing it?

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Look them up. 1.3 million Australians involved. We did a huge drop of pamphlets across Australia on the WHO. We wrote and phoned MPs who amazingly enough hadn't read the WHO draft. Too busy apparently but we did secure 12 or 13 signatures of MPs who sent a letter to the PM. It all got ignored of course but the Alignrd council will become active once election date announced

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The Quadrant article would have a lot more impact and value if it gave examples of APHRA's incompetence/bias. Many people on this side of the freedom debate are aware of the recent decision regarding Dr Bay, though many people are not aware of it as it has had limited mainstream media coverage. There were some quite pointed remarks by the judge in that case regarding the poor investigation practices of AHPRA and the Medical Board, which might have been worth highlighting in the article (especially as both bodies actually conceded to the court that they had not conducted their investigation appropriately in Dr Bay's case), and some information about other investigations and prosecutions might make the casual reader of the article take more notice, rather than write it off as a whinge by a couple of disgruntled doctors.

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I agree. In time these examples will be published.

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"Possibly jailed" is far too lenient a punishment for the worst crime in human history, the mandates to inject every human on earth with the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective gene-modifying mRNA. Mandating _any_ injection is always a crime against humanity. Hanging is entirely appropriate:


In fact, no one in his or her right mind will trust any member of the health establishment ever again until everyone who mandated the mRNA has been hanged.

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I agree. The same goes for Canada!

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I don't know about Australians and their mentallity, but in Denmark I find the biggest culprit the vast majority who just like in nazi Germany willingly went along with all measures imposed by the goverment no matter how insane the measures quite obviously were. I'm sure there's something wrong with mankind which only God can fix. Evil bureaucrats and politicians would have no power if man could think for himself instead of being guided by herd mentality. We can try to clean out the agencies, the bureaucracy and the parliaments but the real important task is to make the public capable of thinking and discern what's right and wrong. I hope that God will help us with that task.

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I’ve a Danish friend who no longer lives there, but he says the same thing-the Danes went along with everything the gov’t said, unquestionably. And most don’t know there’s anything wrong.

He’s been writing to the gov’t nearly every day with evidence about how bad the jabs are, but they never respond to him.

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Interesting! Yes, no one has a clue about the deadly jabs and the non existing pandemic. I have to say though that compared to Australia, we had smooth sailing through the whole thing. Your government went into full blown fascist dictatorship, so I admire and respect all Australians who stood up against this madness and have payed a price for it.

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Thanks for that! Fascist dictatorship still happening-government literally ramming through our senate the digital ID legislation-no debate amongst senators, just vote!

We were given one day to tell the government what we wanted (not) to happen. Unforgivable.

Then the Prime Minister gets a phone call from Klaus Schwab, congratulating him on passing digital ID law ! What a couple of dirtbags!

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Japan does not have a medical licensing association like the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. Once you pass the national exam, if you commit a criminal offense (assault, murder, serious fraud), a council attached to the Diet, which includes Diet members&Doctors, will consider suspending or revoking your license. (There are a few people every year.)Although the government's propaganda was large during Covid-19, some doctors publicly declared the danger from the beginning and treated the disease with Ivermectin. However, it seems that general doctors who are not very smart and doctors working in large hospitals followed the propaganda.

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Wonder whether FOIs might reveal further possibly conclusive evidence as proof of all the malfeasance and treasonous behaviour e.g., pushing the agenda of an external entity (WEF) whilst in public office such that you become enriched and your sponsor further empowered whilst your fellow countryfolk lose their health, lives, livelihoods - murderous individual that you are. Might there be any minutes of the various meetings here - as in Event 201 in the US (I believe actually Event 21 with a central globe -as in global !!?) The characters in attendance and the agenda might reveal a great deal. Other questions: Wasn’t Morrison’s brother heavily involved with AHPRA. Why did Gates visit Albo then shortly thereafter mRNA factories are being built at warp speed…just asking.


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Yes, Roc Findlay has the idea that we should get hold of unredacted chicanery that must have happened within the illegal national cabinet. I don’t even know if they’re still doing it!

I haven’t heard about Morrison’s brother (but I’ve got a bad memory) so that’s interesting.

Why didn’t someone assassinate gates whilst he was here is a better question! 🙂

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Faceless Psychopathic bureaucrats have been trained and placed in positions of authority not only in the medical arena but in almost every institution in society where formerly qualified empathic professionals used their expertise to make informed, sound decisions with regard to their duty of care to the public to act as any reasonable person would act. This has been done in order to facilitate the implementation of top down decisions to implement programs that are not based on true science, but are designed to control and cull the population while making certain individuals very wealthy. The result of a very intense week of letter and submission writing to stop the MAD bill is a great success and points to the way forward. Citizen initiated action. A mass rally on Parliament to demand accountability and withdrawal of dangerous medical procedures might be a good way to go.

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Everyone here seems to agree that massive wrong has been done; some might call it pure evil, especially when the harm became evident.

Thanks to the dogged persistence - and considerable bravery - by truth-tellers, the evidence is in, clearly set out, chapter & verse.

But of those we may consider culpable, many are heavy weights in terms of power & influence, across the professions including political & medical who will not simply 'roll-over'. We've already seen indirect evidence of that by themselves or their minions.

So where to from here? Where are the lawyers who will commence class actions; where are the politicians of major parties who will take up the fight (rather than leaving it to a small handful of gutsy renegades who are ignored/stymied wherever possible)?

Does anyone have a plan of action, a way forward?

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No going to opine on what "should" happen.

However stateside the consequence for treason is well known.

The most severe of consequence might be too light a penalty.

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The gangsters paradise.

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Call it what it is, calculated treason, the bumbling ineptitude evaporated a long time ago.

- All the politicians, all over the world, didn't all get incompetent all at the exact same time, coincidentally.

This is #Treason. The destruction of the West is intentional.


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I am unsurprised. 2 of my doctors have been investigated by AHPRA, a third flees and disappears at any hint of investigation. All it takes for an investigation is an anonymous complaint. The stat in the article says 1 in 5 have been investigated.

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Bravo, a magnificent article. Thank you.

I can confirm that one of the primary strategies of AHPRA is to bully and intimidate through vexatious complaints. In 2024 I received three sets of notifications from the medical ombudsman and AHPRA, mostly reported to them by one person. Accusations included helping supporting a medical meeting, inquiring about the Australian experience of the autopsy findings of intravascular rubbery clots during the COVID era, coauthoring a submission to the health bureaucracy on ivermectin, an invited comment on an article published in the Spectator, and sharing outcomes of a COVID- related legal case and of the Senate inquiry on excess deaths, as well as some postings to speciality colleagues on the research website of the Royal Australian College of Physicians Preliminary legal opinion assessed that these claims were not actionable. However, they had sufficient potential to harass and distract me, so that I voluntarily abandoned my medical and specialty registration to focus my energies in a more positive direction. What a mockery these evens make of the supposed contribution of interactive consultation and discussion to advancement of science. Wendy Hoy

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