Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

Absolutely chilling to hear this psychopath speak.

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

They. Will. Never. Stop.

They are tagging you. They will bag you. How much longer will you wait until you listen to that small voice inside that is trying to help you survive?

To those that have taken the shot, you can still choose to say no. There are those of us, working on solutions to mitigate damage and remediate the side-effects. Don't give up.

To the last 30% globally, that remain, you are being hunted by your government.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

One and then another Globalist plots have failed. We are now in the finger pointing phase.

Fauci was grilled and scewered. Steve Kirsh has exposed the NZ Health Authorities. Ian Brighthope and countless other renegades have broken rank from the Medical Cartel and their bosses Big P.

Soon there must be retribution. Continue to spread the word and fear not.

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

Can he hear himself??😳How does his head not explode with an ego like that. How can you think you have the right to tell anyone what medication they must take. He even told us he has no education of a medical background. 🤯🤯

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

$11 billion to save 40 million people? More like kill them slowly. Imagine $11 billion spent providing sanitation and healthy food to those who need it. Are these people even getting the poison jabbed in their arms too? If so why do we not here of them having heart issues, cancers etc? Drug overdoes kill over 100,000 Americans every years, what are they doing about that? Not sure what the statistics are in Australia or other countries but it would surely be in the millions in total around the world.

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🇮🇩⚰️ Vaccinations began on 13 January 2021. Deaths started to spike thereafter: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/indonesia

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Ian Brighthope

How disgusting, low grade speech! What a 🤡!

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

My god, pure evil

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I think it's pretty evident that none of these folks give a s#@t about your health.

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I have to wonder about poor Dr Michael Mosley, given his enthusiasm for a Covid vaccine 4 years ago: https://youtu.be/JqSgyjo2v5k?si=xwgySP_Bs7Jk5HZh

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

Makes me regret leaving New Zealand ... where I was able to keep an arsenal including a crate of ammo.... how do you say in Latin 'The only way you will vaccine me will be to inject my dead body -- but I will take some of you with me before I die'....

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

2. Nuclear

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2. = too?

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Jun 7Liked by Ian Brighthope

Brevity may be the soul of wit but perhaps a bit more expanded approach is appropriate when not speaking in person. I was trying to indicate that in summary point 2 above there is a typo. The work should be nuclear[scientist], not unclear.

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word not work - it's not a typo so what is it, a small bottle of whiskey?

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