
Unless you’re a farmer.

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Jun 19Liked by Ian Brighthope

Great article.

There is bird flu, and it is no big deal; bird deaths are few, and it is not transmissible to humans.

Giving trace amounts of copper to poultry is a cost-effective way to keep poultry affordable. WEF wants to make all meat expensive to feed us bugs. Let's use our minds and protect our poultry cheaply and effectively.

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Jun 19Liked by Ian Brighthope

In case some don't yet know, veterinary medicine including schooling, l journals, etc., has been taken over by the same genocidal players who co-opted human medicine long ago. Don't even bother mentioning supplements unless you want to be literally yelled at!

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Jun 19Liked by Ian Brighthope

It’s even better than that. There is no bird flu

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Then my chooks will be even healthier ( if I had any now)

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Psychological operation bullshit, viruses don’t exist

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Why divide? Also, we have enough problems waking people up without attacking an entire recognised science.

Fyi I am doubtful on "the" science of virology but one fight at a time

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Viruses do exist. They are real.

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Tbh Ian 3 years ago I would have agreed immediately but now? Idk.

I respect you immensely for what you and some others are helping achieve but when I listen to the process to prove the existence of such I can see how the "there is no virus" arguments have gained traction. More so whe a molecular biologist like JJ Couey argues similar.

(That is not the same as saying I trust him because he has lied a few times)

I can only promise I'll not be spreading such but thats because I don't know and my debating others is through experts like yourself.

That aside I want to thank you, your sacrifice and courage has made it possible for us to reach more people and get some to doubt enough to question.

You, Geoff Pain, Philip Altman etc risked more than us other mandated employees because your punishment will be far further reaching.

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Have you actually seen these viruses under whatever ramped up microscope or are they macrophages ie dead cells being captured/swept out by the lymphatic system? Please provide honest feedback.

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You’re kidding right? Why tell the truth? Come on.Just keep letting this bullshit continue and guess what this bullshit will just continue to come up with one fake virus after the next and one poisonous injection after the next to continue to depopulate the Earth. Real man tell the truth 100% of the time, even if it cost you everything

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Lol, you are misrepresenting what I said.

You want to win, wake up the sleeping. You want to lose push them into the side of the slavers.

Full disclosure maybe have a look at my substack and ask yourself if I don't have an open mind.

Fyi if you want the best interpretation of the science I'd look at jj Couey's work, he's spot on about the no virus camp while agreeing with them on "the science" of virology.

Infectious clones is probably what it is


I tell the truth as I know it, BUT 100 people will give you 200 truths depending on time.

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Ian, re the 'big picture'...

You're probably familiar with the poultry disease 'Marek's disease'...

This is relevant to think about with human vaccination.

In this regard, you might be interested to read my correspondence with Andrew Read, which includes reference to his paper: Imperfect vaccination can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens.

See this email thread, from January 2021...also relevant to 'Covid'...


Interesting to think back on this now...

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Thank you Elizabeth, most appreciate you capturing this important email subject to share with us.

Typical answer shall be "I will have to take this on notice and maybe one day get back to you when I am not so busy dealing with other important issues." Ha, sure! Get rid of these bureaucratic idiots! Spot wasting our hard earnt tax dollars on these Treasonist Fools.

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Ian, have you considered the current vaccine load on poultry?

I wonder how this is affecting the overall health of the animals...

See for instance this article: https://www.poultryhub.org/all-about-poultry/health-management/vaccination

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Yes I have Elizabeth. Vaccines hormones and agricultural chemicals all play a role. Also, pecking and cannabalism is high in some flocks. More research is needed.

I was an Ag scientist before my medical career and had a particular interest in trace elements.

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The Modus Operandi by British hence Australian vet "science" since at least the 1930's is to kill huge numbers of healthy livestock because there is a so called "incurable" disease, foot and mouth is a good example. It is a fear psy-op that has been around a long time which they are now ramping up to cause more fear and ultimately famine. I am a herbalist specialising in treating horses for the last 30 years and have written two books on the subject. Juliette de Bairacli Levy known as the 'grandmother of herbal medicine for animals' sadly no longer with us, wrote in her many books about her cures for foot and mouth and many other so called incurable diseases of animals. She was a Persian Jew who studied vet medicine in UK for a couple of years before she left sickened by the un-necessary cruelty of "science" and travelled the world learning first hand in many countries the old fashioned ways of keeping animals healthy. She is an international treasure whose wisdom is followed all over the world by animal owners who do not comply with vet "science". Science is now a dirty word. It actually means knowledge but it has been hijacked by big pharma along with many minds. A tragedy.

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Congratulations on your appointment as a Senior International Fellow at the FLCCC. This is indeed a prestigious appointment .

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My father always dropped a few condi crystals (bad spelling, sorry) into all his chickens and ducks water. He never had a problem losing any birds. Can you please confirm the benefit of these crystals.

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So did my dad. He swore by them and great big salt blocks for the cows to lick.

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I just wrote a long reply to this which has been deleted, I didn't realise this platform was censored as well. I won't be participating again.

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Your comment at 3:44am is visible to me.

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The one that starts “The modus operandi by British….”,is this the one you mean? I can see it also then.

Victoria, we can read it

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I can read the long comment beginning “The modus operandi…”. Substack plays up a bit since they installed AI in Dec 2023.

I’ve had weird things happen also Victoria. Your comment is intact, it seems to be!

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Thank you, I am reading the copper revolution, and started low dose. Almost all copper deficiency symptoms are also jab injured symptoms. I was scared to try it because after suffering from one Pfizer my copper readings were high, I now understand it was my body protecting itself. It’s only been 4 weeks but the difference in my energy and the things clearing through my skin are very noticeable. I’m doing a lot with minerals and still constantly detoxing, almost 3 years, zero Big Pharma, my blood is getting better and finally had a normal DDimer, thanks to adding cayenne pepper.

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Having researched the mental effects of Fluoride and glyphosate for many years your article raises several points

1. both are serious chelators of metals cations like Cu and Zn and Mn and Mg etc. and from this action alone there are thousands of reactions that are affected.

2. Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsell raised the question of glyphosate and glycine mimicry thus affecting the production of collagen.

3. The Shikimate pathway in plants and gut microbes is disrupted by chelation of Mn (a cation) by glyphosate and fluoride thus preventing the production of tryptophan and tyrosine; this leads to lack of serotonin and other neuro chemicals. The effects on the developing brain and nervous system are immense and long lasting.

Add to this the accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland and heavy metals and the potentiation between them and it highlights the most dangerous misinformation/'lies- that provided by the Royal Society in NZ that there are no adverse effects of fluoride other than mild dental fluorosis. This is the advice that MoH relies on to support the directive ( with coercion) to Councils to add fluoride to public drinking water and water used for preparing food. As this will include water used to prepare infant formula it is vital that this practice ceases immediately.

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This one is from a year ago from Sasha Latypova. Her and Katherine Watt have sub stacks that detail decades of incrementalism towards the goals

I assume everyone including me are a part of the psyop these days, and it is in this sense. These two like many are revealing many truths we must say no to. Many will not, as they would prefer to live the lie, as freedom has responsibility - slavery is easier.

The reality that all judges and politicians did not have to take the jab, suggests we have many complicit players in the judiciary as well. They prop up the system like policy enforcers. M

'Please dismiss this case judge.

We did not defraud the government.

We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.'

Pfizer lawyers


Also Brighthope is an establishment simp

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