Don't look here . . . Look over there . . . Especially AlboParasiticSneezy's purported meeting with Malthusian/Eugenics Parasite Billy Goat Gruff. Ain't No Way Aussies Shall Fall for the BS . . . Safe & Effective Piercing Your Skin . . . Akin to a Viper Injecting You With Poison.
Yes, Safe & Effective to Annihilate Humanity. Wake The F'Up.
So many of our Aussies fell for the Dark Magician's Trick. NEVER AGAIN.
Agree 100%, the message needs to be made very clear by those with the greatest platforms - this 'technology' is defunct. Just because millions of doses have been given, doesn't prove anything when pharmacovigilance is absent. It does not stop transmission, contagion or infection and is purely a financial grift. The $2bn factory in Melbourne will be the first shock of collateral damage the Aussie government and its mRNA sponsors will feel.
I consider its destruction a by-product of the era we are moving in to, when truth-based medicine becomes a real option again. Its redundance will become an undeniable fact. We know why, the how is in the process of being formulated. It is a grand surprise, to me also, but it is a pleasure to join on the journey to freedom. It is a lived experience, one we must work on daily. There are several of us that have strong roots in holistic and orthomolecular medicine but we need help and to continue to unite. Prior to clarity, the pain of obscurity must be faced with a brave heart and fighting spirit. We all would give our own life for the children of the world, I dedicate my life to creating a world that is safe and abundant for all of its children.
Well said Lucia. The journey to freedom, to real health, real food, real life is what holistic and orthomolecular medicine can provide. Unity is key. Here in NZ I am on the Strategy Board for ReEnvisionHealth NZ. Working to create a new system. Aligning with likeminded bodies. The children are our future lets protect them.
Yes! Wow that is great news well done it seems there is a great strength of love for humanity in NZ. I applaud you on your appointment to the Board. I am certain you will achieve great things. In Unity we stride forth and protect all children.
There is and it is not without its challenges due to current Public Health system. ReEnvisionHealth is about empowering individuals, focusing on holistic and orthomolecular. Early stages, long term vision. I lived on and off in Sydney for 45 yrs interspersed with 15 yrs in Asia. We all need to raise our vibrations and focus on what we want that is right.
I fully agree Anna. It's all about taking responsibility for our own lives - our own health and that of our children, not relying on external authorities but focusing in guidance, increasing knowledge and providing options via tailored solutions. For example, via synergistic health clinics (my future goal!). I've had a look at your website which is very inspiring. As the saying goes, when you find yourself at the end, look for a new beginning. We can't let covid be a stake to be burned on, so to speak, but we do want accountability and this will need systemic reform. But with unwilling public servants in a corrupt system? We are doing our best to hold the government accountable by grass roots local council and state member lobbying but the pollies still feel a bit of stigma for speaking up and going against party or health dept policy (mostly for fear of repercussions/no job). We must focus on where we are going and you are helping to pave the way.
It does indeed apply to all of us. We are all in the dark on many things, but that is surely the reason why we must keep fighting, so that we make our way out of the tunnel and into the light once more. The light of truth.
Keep our minds open and our fighting spirit up. I dont trust any of them but I do have hope. I know what you're saying. If either man is honest, it will show the other up. Kennedy may be in a no win situation, especially with the two Means (Casey and Calley) pushing the notion that Big Food is the cause of American's ill health and down playing and sidelining the role of Big Pharma. They have had a lot of air play and they are newbies to health. Something very fishy to me.
If it is a PLANDEMIC then it only stands to reason there were NO mistakes Ian. It's all fake, based on a fear driven campaign whipped up by the media, initiated by the USA/DoD which flowed down to OUR military taking control. The politicians, medical fraternity, judiciary, churches, captains of industry all in on it via the FAKE, unconstitutional National Cabinet.They ALL made a big quid out of it & played ball. Remember event 201, was that a mistake, come on mate? Crisis actors needed for a mistake! Then backed up by a FAKE PCR 'testing' programme, masks, bullshit social distancing & save your granny. Even suggesting they made "mistakes" supports the whole bloody thing mate. Why don't you understand that? Variants, give me a break.
You got it Te-it’s all been a show. Even the “attempted assasination”. (what was Trump trying to shake off his fingers before ducking below the podium? And why did no-one look for the bullet. Where is the scar on his ear-it healed quickly!)
Time to call the White House: Let President Trump know what you think!!! AI is something which is very questionable...What is the agenda of the Investors? Money does blind people... Many already know that there is a simple cure for cancer...learn how to eat right. I speak from personal experience...I got rid of tumors twice, by simply eliminating the foods that caused them...back in 1976 and 1988. President Trump eats at McDonald's so he obviously knows nothing about nutrition.
Well he “says” he eats at McDonalds. Why would he-he’s got access to first class food. Perhaps he’s trying to persuade those who love him to eat there. But probably not much persuasion needed.
One thing few politicians will do is to admit they were wrong. Whether through ego or whether as a matter of avoiding giving political enemies an argument that can be used against them.
The truth is many people would see a preparedness to admit error as a measure of the man - after all the only person who has made no mistake is one who attempted or achieved little.
But this issue is too big for Trump and RFK to fudge or hide, its fundamental to the public confidence in the integrity of Trump's MAHA promises.
I hope someone can make him see reason on this issue.
The Really SAD part is, is that there are too many IDIOTBOX Watchers Brainwashed to What They Are Told to Believe ABOUT EVERY GULLIBLE SUBJECT ON THE MAINSTREAM IDIOTBOX TV.
Anything that interferes with the day to day operations of your cells, anything that interferes with the unique and delicately timed genetic expression of your cell is deadly in the first place. They KNOW this... The reason to put it in your body was "covid" but there was no way this could work without destroying cellular operations critical for day to day health.
Saying "But it produces antibodies" is akin to the line in Idiocracy where they keep saying "but it's got electrolytes" where they keep spraying sports drink on their crops, which kills their crops.
The antibodies are a secondary effect, the main effect is to critically damage your body at the cellular level.
Jonestown style arguments were used to push this poison from the outset... Replace "it's Kool Aid" with "it's a vaccine"... and you've conned half your victims already.
They told half truths "it gives your body a message to make the antigen, so you can mount an immune response" rather than saying your cells will start making a foreign cytotoxic protein, which will cause your immune system to attack your own cells, your own cells will get conflicting messages interfering with important genetic expression and causing dysfunction... End result is likely cellular death, tissue necrosis, cellular dysfunction, autoimmunity and cancer, to name but a few... Plus your immune system is now preoccupied with a specific protein, so your immune system is compromised rather than enhanced...
It was poison from the outset and never a contender to fight a disease, they had a great story to make you volunteer to inject this poison .
You need IgA antibodies to prevent or tackle a respiratory illness, not blood borne IgG antibodies to Covid, which is what an injected vaccine will do. So there was no use poisoning your body in the hope you wouldn't catch whatever covid was in the first place.
Why? Profits are great but free human guinea pigs are even better ... How else would you find out how well this poison might work than to have people volunteer their arms for it, albeit on false pretences...
Then you can get great data on how well this covert poison works
Even better it was an opportunity to check out how good we've gotten with propaganda and psyop creation.
Did they want us all dead ? Maybe...
Sterilised? Maybe...
But did they want to see the effects of systemic wide distribution of errant mRNA codes in a human being? For sure they did...
And they wanted to see how it effects the very young to the very old.
I thought it was a mistake and about profits at first, but with all the known consequences already and for it not to be off the market, for countries to expand mRNA in big dollar deals with western govt... It is not a mistake. It's deliberate.
This is coming from someone who was blindly asleep and trusted our government implicitly to get us through.
Even the fact to push the sheep and opposition to focus solely on vaccines (rather than them being some inconsequential thing that you rarely thought about) and have two sides at each other like sports team fans required planning. This wasn't some surprise disease (if it was anything at all).
Only had a vague memory of cellular biology from uni 30 years ago, but I was dumbfounded for all reasons above when they said they were injecting man made mRNA to tackle a respiratory infection... It was deadly and dangerous in theory to do this, so why did we? Then the side effects started to mount up, yet it was still on the market even though the benefits (none) did not outweigh the risk (death and injury).
My old textbook from uni sums up the critical importance of mRNA signalling in your cell, so critical it should never be interfered with...
Raven and Johnson "Biology" 2nd edition (1989) which had some great colour diagrams around page 302, and very clear explanations of our cellular operations.
Even better the few paragraph summary on page 309, spells everything out in basic terms...
"REGULATING GENE EXPRESSION... A CELL must know not only HOW to make a particular protein, but also WHEN. "It is important for an organism to be able to CONTROL WHICH of its GENES ARE BEING TRANSCRIBED, AND WHEN".
* Even at this point, the question arises why interfere with this system?
* Skip down further in the page: "From a broader perspective, the growth and development of multicellular organisms entails a long series of biochemical reactions, each DELICATELY TUNED to achieve a precise effect."
*Precise effect, delicately tuned...
Again why interfere in something so important?*
Skipping further down the page:
*Even the timing is delicate, different genes at very specific points in time...
Why interfere with this, can they not see disaster??*
More from that page: "The hereditary message is played LIKE A PIECE OF MUSIC on a grand organ in which particular proteins are the notes and the hereditary information which regulates their expression is the score".
*So putting the wrong notes into the music at the wrong time, generally turn a tune to sh!t...
Why would anyone do this via a body wide injection?*
To interfere in this delicate process (at any time) with inserting man made mRNA code could (and does) cause catastrophic events within the cell leading to overall collapse of the multicellular organism.
I'll shut up now as, I could go on forever and I know you know this info only too well, I have a long list of almost certain (to possible) vax victims in my social circle... Even many at my old workplace... since rollout... But no-one except a few of us here are aware there's a problem as the institutions they should have been able to trust let them down and continue to do so.
Also some interesting and sobering facts about viruses in there to ponder too, such as page 576
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible. For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents have not even been identified"
So many severe colds in the past... unknown agents... Never identified... Ever... Never...
Okay, given they have trouble identifying causitive viruses normally, there's hundreds of potential viruses to choose from, all NEVER before identified...
Think about this...
How did they identify this one SO EARLY???
BY JANUARY 2020????
And determine what they found as the CAUSITIVE AGENT??
I was really frightened by words Bill Gates said about „a good job“ concerning health care and vaccines. I hope the video is still online! Watch from 4:30 to 6:00
Agree and his witch both need the special treatment! Funny how you heard Gates describe his meeting with Trump but nothing from Trump’s mouth. Unless I missed that part! I want to hear it out of his mouth. No articles…his big mouth just like Gates.
Have often wondered if people on camera have cue cards or are frequently reading from a script? Maybe the same script? Especially when making a point, providing a nugget of "hope," or emphasizing disruption. Watch their body language and eye movements and share what you think please. Be interested to know your opinion.
A vaccine platform that is built on a foundation of lies can never be trusted 🤔
Precisely. No trust, no future.
Don't look here . . . Look over there . . . Especially AlboParasiticSneezy's purported meeting with Malthusian/Eugenics Parasite Billy Goat Gruff. Ain't No Way Aussies Shall Fall for the BS . . . Safe & Effective Piercing Your Skin . . . Akin to a Viper Injecting You With Poison.
Yes, Safe & Effective to Annihilate Humanity. Wake The F'Up.
So many of our Aussies fell for the Dark Magician's Trick. NEVER AGAIN.
Injectable not vaccine. We should stop using their bastardisation of the word
I would add that there is no such think as “unvaccinated” just “inviolate”
Agree 100%, the message needs to be made very clear by those with the greatest platforms - this 'technology' is defunct. Just because millions of doses have been given, doesn't prove anything when pharmacovigilance is absent. It does not stop transmission, contagion or infection and is purely a financial grift. The $2bn factory in Melbourne will be the first shock of collateral damage the Aussie government and its mRNA sponsors will feel.
How to destroy the business of mRNA? Can you suggest? Can you take the lead?
I consider its destruction a by-product of the era we are moving in to, when truth-based medicine becomes a real option again. Its redundance will become an undeniable fact. We know why, the how is in the process of being formulated. It is a grand surprise, to me also, but it is a pleasure to join on the journey to freedom. It is a lived experience, one we must work on daily. There are several of us that have strong roots in holistic and orthomolecular medicine but we need help and to continue to unite. Prior to clarity, the pain of obscurity must be faced with a brave heart and fighting spirit. We all would give our own life for the children of the world, I dedicate my life to creating a world that is safe and abundant for all of its children.
Well said.
Well said Lucia. The journey to freedom, to real health, real food, real life is what holistic and orthomolecular medicine can provide. Unity is key. Here in NZ I am on the Strategy Board for ReEnvisionHealth NZ. Working to create a new system. Aligning with likeminded bodies. The children are our future lets protect them.
Yes! Wow that is great news well done it seems there is a great strength of love for humanity in NZ. I applaud you on your appointment to the Board. I am certain you will achieve great things. In Unity we stride forth and protect all children.
There is and it is not without its challenges due to current Public Health system. ReEnvisionHealth is about empowering individuals, focusing on holistic and orthomolecular. Early stages, long term vision. I lived on and off in Sydney for 45 yrs interspersed with 15 yrs in Asia. We all need to raise our vibrations and focus on what we want that is right.
I fully agree Anna. It's all about taking responsibility for our own lives - our own health and that of our children, not relying on external authorities but focusing in guidance, increasing knowledge and providing options via tailored solutions. For example, via synergistic health clinics (my future goal!). I've had a look at your website which is very inspiring. As the saying goes, when you find yourself at the end, look for a new beginning. We can't let covid be a stake to be burned on, so to speak, but we do want accountability and this will need systemic reform. But with unwilling public servants in a corrupt system? We are doing our best to hold the government accountable by grass roots local council and state member lobbying but the pollies still feel a bit of stigma for speaking up and going against party or health dept policy (mostly for fear of repercussions/no job). We must focus on where we are going and you are helping to pave the way.
"Prior to clarity, the pain of obscurity must be faced with a brave heart and fighting spirit."
Please elaborate as I believe that this could apply to All. I like.
It does indeed apply to all of us. We are all in the dark on many things, but that is surely the reason why we must keep fighting, so that we make our way out of the tunnel and into the light once more. The light of truth.
Just don't participate. A product no one wants will become a relic soon enough.
Too many people want it though.
I have only read the first few lines and had to comment.
1) the jabs were no mistake,
2) Trump has just shown his hand, laid his cards on the table
3) Kennedy has played us. What a snake.
Keep our minds open and our fighting spirit up. I dont trust any of them but I do have hope. I know what you're saying. If either man is honest, it will show the other up. Kennedy may be in a no win situation, especially with the two Means (Casey and Calley) pushing the notion that Big Food is the cause of American's ill health and down playing and sidelining the role of Big Pharma. They have had a lot of air play and they are newbies to health. Something very fishy to me.
I fully agree. My read of their vibe was also 'something fishy here'. They did not pass my test, simple as that.
hahaha ... has nobody noticed that Trump is now pushing MRNA cancer vaccines?
When will you people wake up? Trump is fake therefore all of his policies will be fake...
Everything is fake
Yes! And some of us also noticed that Mr brain chip Musk is pro vaccine
If it is a PLANDEMIC then it only stands to reason there were NO mistakes Ian. It's all fake, based on a fear driven campaign whipped up by the media, initiated by the USA/DoD which flowed down to OUR military taking control. The politicians, medical fraternity, judiciary, churches, captains of industry all in on it via the FAKE, unconstitutional National Cabinet.They ALL made a big quid out of it & played ball. Remember event 201, was that a mistake, come on mate? Crisis actors needed for a mistake! Then backed up by a FAKE PCR 'testing' programme, masks, bullshit social distancing & save your granny. Even suggesting they made "mistakes" supports the whole bloody thing mate. Why don't you understand that? Variants, give me a break.
I’ve noticed the talking head truth tellers are not saying a word about this. Where’s Tucker Carlson, Candance Owens, and the rest of the bunch?
Axios had an article about it, but failed to mention mRNA, just said they’d be working on new vaccination. Didn’t even mention cancer.
FB is censoring those that do talk about from being shared. They deleted an article I shared saying the site was harmful.
So now Zuck is censoring for Trump?
And it’s working…
I mentioned this AI Data centers to another truth telling substacker and got called a liar. Censorship is working.
And of course MAGA normies do not want to hear it or talk about it except to say Trust the plan, or say it’s Gods will.
I’m absolutely heartbroken and sick.
Trump has teamed up with evil.
Now, Biden administration and the steal make sense. It was all a show.
Now, Mr law and order will make it right while he sells his soul to evil.
The whole family is being payed off right in front of our eyes. Jeff Bezo giving Melania 45 million?
Trump meme coin now worth 52 billion on paper? Even Melania has a meme coin!
Is cryptocurrency going to be our new normal? Why did Trump outlaw CBDC?
Why is Trump all in on huge data center under the guise of curing cancer and competing with China?
Great Reset. That’s why…
He was always one of them. And we fell for it.
You got it Te-it’s all been a show. Even the “attempted assasination”. (what was Trump trying to shake off his fingers before ducking below the podium? And why did no-one look for the bullet. Where is the scar on his ear-it healed quickly!)
Trump has been one of the”them” all along.
Time to call the White House: Let President Trump know what you think!!! AI is something which is very questionable...What is the agenda of the Investors? Money does blind people... Many already know that there is a simple cure for cancer...learn how to eat right. I speak from personal experience...I got rid of tumors twice, by simply eliminating the foods that caused them...back in 1976 and 1988. President Trump eats at McDonald's so he obviously knows nothing about nutrition.
Well he “says” he eats at McDonalds. Why would he-he’s got access to first class food. Perhaps he’s trying to persuade those who love him to eat there. But probably not much persuasion needed.
I appreciate your optimism.
Whether its well placed or not with King of Warp Speed, the beauty is, time will tell💯😉
In the meantime, I suggest we all keep working on the myriad of monumental problems caused from this 'fiasco".😉
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
One thing few politicians will do is to admit they were wrong. Whether through ego or whether as a matter of avoiding giving political enemies an argument that can be used against them.
The truth is many people would see a preparedness to admit error as a measure of the man - after all the only person who has made no mistake is one who attempted or achieved little.
But this issue is too big for Trump and RFK to fudge or hide, its fundamental to the public confidence in the integrity of Trump's MAHA promises.
I hope someone can make him see reason on this issue.
The Really SAD part is, is that there are too many IDIOTBOX Watchers Brainwashed to What They Are Told to Believe ABOUT EVERY GULLIBLE SUBJECT ON THE MAINSTREAM IDIOTBOX TV.
Anything that interferes with the day to day operations of your cells, anything that interferes with the unique and delicately timed genetic expression of your cell is deadly in the first place. They KNOW this... The reason to put it in your body was "covid" but there was no way this could work without destroying cellular operations critical for day to day health.
Saying "But it produces antibodies" is akin to the line in Idiocracy where they keep saying "but it's got electrolytes" where they keep spraying sports drink on their crops, which kills their crops.
The antibodies are a secondary effect, the main effect is to critically damage your body at the cellular level.
Jonestown style arguments were used to push this poison from the outset... Replace "it's Kool Aid" with "it's a vaccine"... and you've conned half your victims already.
They told half truths "it gives your body a message to make the antigen, so you can mount an immune response" rather than saying your cells will start making a foreign cytotoxic protein, which will cause your immune system to attack your own cells, your own cells will get conflicting messages interfering with important genetic expression and causing dysfunction... End result is likely cellular death, tissue necrosis, cellular dysfunction, autoimmunity and cancer, to name but a few... Plus your immune system is now preoccupied with a specific protein, so your immune system is compromised rather than enhanced...
It was poison from the outset and never a contender to fight a disease, they had a great story to make you volunteer to inject this poison .
You need IgA antibodies to prevent or tackle a respiratory illness, not blood borne IgG antibodies to Covid, which is what an injected vaccine will do. So there was no use poisoning your body in the hope you wouldn't catch whatever covid was in the first place.
Why? Profits are great but free human guinea pigs are even better ... How else would you find out how well this poison might work than to have people volunteer their arms for it, albeit on false pretences...
Then you can get great data on how well this covert poison works
Even better it was an opportunity to check out how good we've gotten with propaganda and psyop creation.
Did they want us all dead ? Maybe...
Sterilised? Maybe...
But did they want to see the effects of systemic wide distribution of errant mRNA codes in a human being? For sure they did...
And they wanted to see how it effects the very young to the very old.
I thought it was a mistake and about profits at first, but with all the known consequences already and for it not to be off the market, for countries to expand mRNA in big dollar deals with western govt... It is not a mistake. It's deliberate.
This is coming from someone who was blindly asleep and trusted our government implicitly to get us through.
Even the fact to push the sheep and opposition to focus solely on vaccines (rather than them being some inconsequential thing that you rarely thought about) and have two sides at each other like sports team fans required planning. This wasn't some surprise disease (if it was anything at all).
Only had a vague memory of cellular biology from uni 30 years ago, but I was dumbfounded for all reasons above when they said they were injecting man made mRNA to tackle a respiratory infection... It was deadly and dangerous in theory to do this, so why did we? Then the side effects started to mount up, yet it was still on the market even though the benefits (none) did not outweigh the risk (death and injury).
My old textbook from uni sums up the critical importance of mRNA signalling in your cell, so critical it should never be interfered with...
Raven and Johnson "Biology" 2nd edition (1989) which had some great colour diagrams around page 302, and very clear explanations of our cellular operations.
Even better the few paragraph summary on page 309, spells everything out in basic terms...
"REGULATING GENE EXPRESSION... A CELL must know not only HOW to make a particular protein, but also WHEN. "It is important for an organism to be able to CONTROL WHICH of its GENES ARE BEING TRANSCRIBED, AND WHEN".
* Even at this point, the question arises why interfere with this system?
* Skip down further in the page: "From a broader perspective, the growth and development of multicellular organisms entails a long series of biochemical reactions, each DELICATELY TUNED to achieve a precise effect."
*Precise effect, delicately tuned...
Again why interfere in something so important?*
Skipping further down the page:
*Even the timing is delicate, different genes at very specific points in time...
Why interfere with this, can they not see disaster??*
More from that page: "The hereditary message is played LIKE A PIECE OF MUSIC on a grand organ in which particular proteins are the notes and the hereditary information which regulates their expression is the score".
*So putting the wrong notes into the music at the wrong time, generally turn a tune to sh!t...
Why would anyone do this via a body wide injection?*
To interfere in this delicate process (at any time) with inserting man made mRNA code could (and does) cause catastrophic events within the cell leading to overall collapse of the multicellular organism.
I'll shut up now as, I could go on forever and I know you know this info only too well, I have a long list of almost certain (to possible) vax victims in my social circle... Even many at my old workplace... since rollout... But no-one except a few of us here are aware there's a problem as the institutions they should have been able to trust let them down and continue to do so.
Raven and Johnson textbook for those interested
Also some interesting and sobering facts about viruses in there to ponder too, such as page 576
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible. For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents have not even been identified"
So many severe colds in the past... unknown agents... Never identified... Ever... Never...
Okay, given they have trouble identifying causitive viruses normally, there's hundreds of potential viruses to choose from, all NEVER before identified...
Think about this...
How did they identify this one SO EARLY???
BY JANUARY 2020????
And determine what they found as the CAUSITIVE AGENT??
My two cents sorry about long comment
I was really frightened by words Bill Gates said about „a good job“ concerning health care and vaccines. I hope the video is still online! Watch from 4:30 to 6:00
I found this along with a few other disturbing bits of info, thought I would share, hope it can be opened.
Agree and his witch both need the special treatment! Funny how you heard Gates describe his meeting with Trump but nothing from Trump’s mouth. Unless I missed that part! I want to hear it out of his mouth. No articles…his big mouth just like Gates.
So much news 🤪
So do i gates is demonically possessed you can see it in his earlier videos
Thanks for the share Mr. Brighthope.
Have often wondered if people on camera have cue cards or are frequently reading from a script? Maybe the same script? Especially when making a point, providing a nugget of "hope," or emphasizing disruption. Watch their body language and eye movements and share what you think please. Be interested to know your opinion.
We are well past using the word vaccine to refer to these BIOCHEMICAL WEAPONS.