Sep 18Liked by Ian Brighthope

I just wonder who has the ability to get to Amazon to cancel this book? It is bizarre because Amazon sells many books on this topic. So why would they target this book in particular? I think this is a nefarious action and goes beyond this book. Those that spoke out during Covid are being attacked. We are living in terrible times. Selective book burning. They have not won. They should never win.

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They know they are losing.

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Are you sure they’re losing Ian? Look at Australia’s looming dis/mis info bill, and connected looming dig ID. Klaus Schwab himself even called Albanese to congratulate him on getting the dig. ID bill passed. With zero debate in the Senate-just a vote. And why did the bill go to the senate first anyway?

Australian’s mantra should be I will NOT comply.

Umm, there’s not meant to be a website in my comment! I clicked on it, and it loaded somewhat, but not fully, so I don’t know if it’s a real website or not.

Apologies to anyone who expected a website. I’ll get rid of it !

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Those of us who grew up in South Africa know all about censorship. Newspapers with whole columns blanked out. Dr Marik would know this too. Seems like we are coming full circle if we don't wake people up with urgency. We are on a knife edge.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Ian Brighthope

Thankyou Ian, I did see that. I am a book in hand person. Not only for the pleasure turning the pages that a physical book gives you, but also having a hard copy for the future & for my children & grandchildren to peruse when I'm gone. Let's hope that this "book burning" ideology is short lived.

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I agree. Books are books. The digital world is very different.

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As Dick Gregory said, empires that seem invulnerable from without often crumble from within, and with every effort to ban serious books, entities like Amazon undermine their own credibility. Until one day, they end up being brought to their knees by a boycott or some other development.

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Great insight 🤗

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Amazon is just evil.

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Sep 18Liked by Ian Brighthope

This is reprehensible!! I have this book as a family member is being treated in this fashion with repurposed drugs eg 'ivy' and 'fenben'. I truly believe that these drugs along with nutraceuticals ( IV Vit C), even homeopathy and bioresonance can cure cancer.

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So true.

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Sep 18Liked by Ian Brighthope

I tried to order this book months ago & had no luck.

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It’s free on the website. See link on this Substack.

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Sadly I expect such action from Amazon.

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This is a “must” read, and the linked studies on DMSO also should be read. It is an amazing molecule. Thanks Adriana!

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