Thanks for a very comprehensive article on B6. I read Carl Pfeiffer's Nutrition & MentaL Illness: An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry.. He wrote that one should keep increasing the amount of B-6, until one is able to have dream recall. I know I dream, but lost my ability to recall my dreams, after I awakened. I started using B-6 pyridoxine HCL up to 1000 mg daily. I have had no problems thus far, but saw it could cause peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage). I'm using Solgar B Complex 100 mg daily along with it, plus 30 mg zinc chelate bisglycinate and Solgar 8 mg manganese glycinate chelate.....and more. In the past I went years without supplements and was in good health. Today, I take them as a form of preventive insurance.

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Thank you for this clarification of the complexities of attributing symptoms to vitamin "overdoses". I am wondering whether you have come across these critiques of vitamin D (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent), and vitamins in general (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/dear-dr-yeadon-please-expose-vitamins), and their isolation (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/how-vitamins-are-isolated-the-nail)? This author has also written about ivermectin "toxicity" (https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-players-behind-ivermectin-how) and the role of p-glycoprotein in preventing ivermectin from passing through the blood-brain-barrier to cause neurological injury, so I'd be interested in your evaluation of the credibility of these arguments.

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I’ve seen these pretty compelling substacks and I for one don’t trust these synthetic vitamins that big Pharma push. Just another tentacle 🐙 to the big Pharma model

Whole foods for me, thinking a variety of medicinal mushrooms 🍄 and bananas 🍌 would give me the B’s I need.

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I had the exact same experience. I took a Magnesium / P-5-P supplement, and experienced terrible pain-with-numbness in my feet. I was told by GP’s and Immunologist that it was part of having Sjogren’s Syndrome. Then a doctor found I had more than triple the upper recommended limit of B6 accumulated. Took about 2 years for the foot pain to recede. I also have MTHFR issues and my body struggles with processing Folate & B12 in any format, plus I am always low in Zinc. So I found the info in that article interesting & relevant to my experience with B6.

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Good information!

I also wondered about the fact that her problems started in 2021. What else could have been a contributing factor at that time. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Neuropathy in all its’ forms have been noted as side effects of jabs. I’m suspicious of any unusual ‘disorder’ that started around then. Maybe I’m a cynic.

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Excellent article. Thank you. I’m amazed that BioCeuticals use a form of B12 in their Muscle EZE powder that is made from cyanide. This is why I stopped using the brand. The best I have found for the average person is Vimergy or Global Healing products. They’re not cheap but they’re safe and made from high quality ingredients.

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Thank you very much for sharing! I'm grateful for all the detail you've provided.

FWIW, I've used B6, as a supplement to my daily B-complex (on an occasional basis only) to subdue symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome as soon as they begin, after long stints on the computer, and it has worked like a charm. 👍

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Once again...more interesting info. Best Regards, K. McCorkel

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At Chemist Warehouse this Bioceutical supplement is now not 'over the counter' It is classed as a Pharmacist product.

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Informative article thank you. Confirms why important to have clear understanding of your base levels, and to not self medicate. Supplementation is exactly that. Whole foods and supplement where and when needed. No GMO, gene edited anything, or chemical additives.

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