Jun 27Liked by Ian Brighthope

Attention Mr. Brighthope

I still find the narrative you are creating is waaaaay too ridiculously precise in terms of its alignment with official narratives intended for mass consumption - particularly the one of bumbling politicians policies, not that they were politicians policies at all - it was the military Industrial perception management complex that created and fed these scripts / policies to them. Yes these treasonous prostitutes pretending to be servants of the people continue to work with the media to construct what is better known as govern / ment - the control of the collective mind, but they are just well paid cash for comment order followers staging the theatre of representative politicians, and that they have the consent of the people

This was and continues to be the most premeditated holocaust in history. In LOCKSTEP in every UN signatory country around the world, it was NOT for one second accidental. John's Hopkins SPARS  'Scenario' / script written.in 2017 clearly shows they were never going to hide the reality of the deliberate destruction and injuries and deaths. The behavioral insights teams working behind the scenes  to ensure the subversive demoralization, the definition of structured torture, the definition of terrorism, murderous genocidal intentions via protocolled murder that was initially and primarily to achieve first wave narratives, they tried to ensure that the illusion of a crisis was created while implementing all of the above. This was NOT A PANDEMIC as the overlaid graph of Midazolam use and deaths in care and hospitals clearly shows by there their ridiculous similarity. The social engineers fed the politicians their scripts, and they continue to. My concern is that your posts display the wand weaving magic of critical lies placed too carefully for anyone not to be concerned, particularly those that seriously want to take stock of where we have been, and where we are going. Yes, there were poisonings, ( https://rumble.com/v2d62s6-dr-lawrence-palevsky.html ) but this should accurately be referred to as a democidal event on a world wide scale, and the rebramded influenza and iatrogenic genocide associated with a faked pandemic storey - it was not a pandemic

Legitimizing the illegitimate is Orwellian, the censorshio is Hitlers book burning, and pretending what happened away with lies mixed with truth so that perpetrators continue  to walk free on the streets is complicity.

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Thank you for your comments. If you have a look at my earlier Substack's, you will see that I refer to 'it' as a plandemic. You will also see that I was one of the first, if not the first, to use the term 'democide' when everyone was referring to a genocide. Best regards, Prof. Ian

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Even Pavlov’s Dog

Would Have Figured Out This Charade

And Turned On Its Owner.

Now The Salient Question Is:

How Many Vicious Bites

Would It Take The Doctor

To Turn On Its Owner ?


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Living with lies is not good for anyone's mental health.

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Perhaps a lot of nurses have been injured or worse by the jab. That’s if they all had the real thing. I keep recalling that in N.Z., 11,000 healthcare ( and maybe others) workers were exempted from having the jab.

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