Malcolm and David at their best 👍 if you know David Martin's work you can skip the first hour (interesting though it is). It's good to have his information in one interview, heavy though it is. Also on rumble if this one goes away 🙏
Got it. Makes sense, too. "The real victory for any unseen aggressor would be our refusal to ask, to probe, to challenge the narrative." When will these monsters fall flat on their face? Or better yet, go to jail... At this writing, there might not be a single drop of uncontaminated human blood left on this planet, right. And how about getting back our academic freedom, too?
This drug has been withheld from us in the US. Massive anecdotal evidence suggests it cures most cancers and has no serious side effects. Don’t believe me; investigate it for yourself.
The NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and death are normalized standard expectations since the injection was rolled out.
All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles.
In case someone hasn't caught on yet: mankind is the disease they are trying to eradicate.
Are we REALLY going to let them normalize genocide? Come on party people, go sound the alarm. Print flyers and paint the town!
I made a call to one of the authors of The Great Barrington Declaration ... must have been early April of 2020... having figured out something was amiss when Wuhan fellas left for Chinese New Year and China was not overwhelmed ... also why was Italy not overwhelmed?
Anyhow ... I spoke for 45 minutes with this epidemiologist and I distinctly recall saying something to the effect.... ahhhhh... so that's their game ... they are exterminating us.
The thing is....
I had been following the Big Picture on this when I realized we were doomed because affordable energy was starting to run low...
I had assume the global economy would just eventually collapse and all hell would break lose... but NO!... they would not allow the gates of hell to open... they would pre-empt that ... they ARE pre-empting that....
Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.
The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted - natural gas production is contracting.
Feel free to regale me with tales of fusion and thorium and windmills and EVs and abiotic oil made by elves in the centre of the Earth or whatever else bbccnn has fed you to keep you from understanding the nature of the beast...
In the UK, for years now new gas boilers are hydrogen fuel capable. The safety and practical issues not addressed, no supply pipes etc unless they use the old gas ones..... Ineos is a major player in this. BP turning back to gas and oil, EV sales faltered.... Drill Baby Drill affect happening. There's a decent chance the climate nonsense will fade away 👍
The amusing thing is that you obviously believe this make-believe bullshit...
This is a bit extreme but most humans believe in fairy tales... so you are not exceptional...
Look at the fools who believe in global warming... that solar panels will replace oil and gas and coal... that EVs are green... that recycling will save the planet ... that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet... that man has walked on the moon ... or that helicopters can fly in the zero atmosphere of Mars... that an attempt was made on Trump's life... that Saddam had WMD...
You should see the latest at Pure Media. The scientific analysis of long white fibrous clots proves causation by spike protein and the ORFs in SARS-Cov-2 and other data show genetic engineering or GoF was from bioweapons programs. Links in my substack.
Not a pandemic but a planned psyop, a scamdemic fuelled & spread by media fear mongering. People paid not to work believed themselves to be ill.
Malcolm and David at their best 👍 if you know David Martin's work you can skip the first hour (interesting though it is). It's good to have his information in one interview, heavy though it is. Also on rumble if this one goes away 🙏
Got it. Makes sense, too. "The real victory for any unseen aggressor would be our refusal to ask, to probe, to challenge the narrative." When will these monsters fall flat on their face? Or better yet, go to jail... At this writing, there might not be a single drop of uncontaminated human blood left on this planet, right. And how about getting back our academic freedom, too?
Nothing will change unless we get out of the system. The system won’t change. This man has a plan:
This drug has been withheld from us in the US. Massive anecdotal evidence suggests it cures most cancers and has no serious side effects. Don’t believe me; investigate it for yourself.
The NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and death are normalized standard expectations since the injection was rolled out.
All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles.
In case someone hasn't caught on yet: mankind is the disease they are trying to eradicate.
Are we REALLY going to let them normalize genocide? Come on party people, go sound the alarm. Print flyers and paint the town!
My favorite parts of Covid:
It Is Time To Re-Frame
“Unexpected Deaths”
“Expected Deaths”
For the Vaccinated.
Who Are Dying “As Expected”.
I agree with what you’re saying Thomas, but I can’t “like” your comments. It’s too sad.
It‘s not a weapon, it‘s a correctiv!
4:30 Population
People, see the Gates’ famous “vaccine”/population TED talk here! Thanks Dr. Manfred !
Of course this was orchestrated.
I made a call to one of the authors of The Great Barrington Declaration ... must have been early April of 2020... having figured out something was amiss when Wuhan fellas left for Chinese New Year and China was not overwhelmed ... also why was Italy not overwhelmed?
Anyhow ... I spoke for 45 minutes with this epidemiologist and I distinctly recall saying something to the effect.... ahhhhh... so that's their game ... they are exterminating us.
The thing is....
I had been following the Big Picture on this when I realized we were doomed because affordable energy was starting to run low...
I had assume the global economy would just eventually collapse and all hell would break lose... but NO!... they would not allow the gates of hell to open... they would pre-empt that ... they ARE pre-empting that....
Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.
The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted - natural gas production is contracting.
The Ultimate Extinction Plan (UEP)
Preventing the Gates of Hell from opening.
Feel free to regale me with tales of fusion and thorium and windmills and EVs and abiotic oil made by elves in the centre of the Earth or whatever else bbccnn has fed you to keep you from understanding the nature of the beast...
My favourite is
But there is no weaning off of oil and gas and coal. It is IMPOSSIBLE.
I know you fellas all need to have hope.... otherwise... so you will dismiss my thesis... that's ok...
It's ok to go extinct... in fact it's for the best... now the industrial farming nightmare and animal experimentation will stop....
That makes me happy.
In the UK, for years now new gas boilers are hydrogen fuel capable. The safety and practical issues not addressed, no supply pipes etc unless they use the old gas ones..... Ineos is a major player in this. BP turning back to gas and oil, EV sales faltered.... Drill Baby Drill affect happening. There's a decent chance the climate nonsense will fade away 👍
I dont think it will fade away because it is necessary
There's no lack of oil or gas, both of which are as perpetually regenerating as is water.
And the tooth fairy puts money under the pillows... and Santa enters via the chimney....
What's the weather like in DelusiSTAN today?
The amusing thing is that you obviously believe this make-believe bullshit...
This is a bit extreme but most humans believe in fairy tales... so you are not exceptional...
Look at the fools who believe in global warming... that solar panels will replace oil and gas and coal... that EVs are green... that recycling will save the planet ... that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet... that man has walked on the moon ... or that helicopters can fly in the zero atmosphere of Mars... that an attempt was made on Trump's life... that Saddam had WMD...
The list is endless... stupidity is endless... humans are just plain fucking dumb beasts who happen to be able to talk
You should see the latest at Pure Media. The scientific analysis of long white fibrous clots proves causation by spike protein and the ORFs in SARS-Cov-2 and other data show genetic engineering or GoF was from bioweapons programs. Links in my substack.
The only thing that Tim Morgan (former head of research at a global energy trading firm) gets wrong is that he thinks what is coming is survivable...
Read everything from Tim if you want to truly understand the big picture