Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

I understand. They would be required to work for it for the period as a service to the community. And at arms length from any commercial enterprise. It’s possible. A well-structured pension system could encourage/force continued public service and not private sector roles driven by profit motives.

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

Re corruption in the judiciary/police (whilst these examples aren't exactly inside the definition you've provided above) - the coercive mandating of toxic injections saga was transparently false before it began, yet judges required legal persons to show proof of vax status to enter their courts, and I almost lost my son-in-law (solicitor) to a blood clot in a major abdominal artery a few weeks post AZ shot which he had to get to keep his law firm operating.

And police enthusiastically and brutally attacked citizens, up to and including the use of radiation weapons at the Canberra rally. We used to say that 1 cop in 10 was rotten, now we suspect every single one of them and hope that a few will call the illegality of their orders for what they are.

Corruption in ethics and morality pervade most institutions.

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

Agree with you Hugh wholeheartedly about the state of the judiciary & police force. I joined the NSW Police Service in 1989. (yes we were the first recruits if I'm not mistaken under this new banner of Service not Force). Made no difference to the outcome of policing. I left after 3 years as my honesty was compromised a number of times by the actions or inactions of fellow colleagues. What I witnessed starting in 2020 shocked me to the core with the way the courts & police officers treated their fellow Australians (like myself) because we chose bodily autonomy over coercion, blackmail, isolation & fear to be injected with an Experimental concoction. But on reflection, I am not surprised that our judiciary & our Police have been highly weaponised against the general public. Nothing much has changed since 1989, just accelerated & far, far worse.

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

I'm in Qld. Many (perhaps majority) of the cops are demoralized and sick. I assume their numbers are less nowadays for all the reasons of sickness and "retirement". A harsh recompense for the woeful treatment they served to anyone actively or passively protesting lockdowns, masking, QR code scanning.

And I heard that a recruitment day in a SE Qld town was abandoned due to lack of interest.

I think it's only a matter of time until their ranks are filled with immigrants, just like is happening with doctoring. Uniformed and armed, scant knowledge of values and the nuances of law, programmed to enforce control by any means.

And the cops who've quit the 'force' for civilian life will be victims of their own failures along with the rest of us.

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Well said Hugh. Completely agree.

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There is a theory that the immigrants here and in every western country are not all being brought in to stay in whatever country-rather than just being replacements, the theory goes that many immigrants, and people born in the country will keep moving, to create a huge mass of destabilised people. As we know, enormous amounts of people each day have been “illegally” entering western countries each day-apparently being flown in to Australia, and all this has been happening for a few years now.

This would lead to this mass of people not having a place and culture to call “home”, which is good for the globalist goal of one world government, as the idea of living in a particular country fades.

Not saying they won’t take jobs here, this is self evident, but like say, grey nomads, which place is their home? Do they still have a notion of home? We can all say where we were born, but when you keep moving, what indeed is home?

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Yes, you must be right .. I didn't think to see it that way. As you say, we are so unsettled and there's so much movement. Packing boxes are a hot item at Bunnings and storage sheds are booked out.

You remind me of the words in that old Carol King song "doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore".

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Oh, I’m not saying I’m right-it wasn’t my theory anyway, but thanks, there’s a likelihood of it being true. We are all very unsettled, it’s hard to be comfortable anywhere when we know what’s going on!

I sort of remember that song.

The first person from whom I saw the theory is Michael Ginsberg, Aussie who writes substack “Actionable Truths”-it’s excellent, he does deep dives into what’s happening now. He also posts a lot of notes on substack. He actually has ideas of things we can do against these terrible people.

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

Sorry about your son-in-law, but of course people are dying from these jabs every day. I hope he is ok now.

About the all rotten cops-why are they so stupid that they don’t realise that WEF etc pays gov’t to pay cops to be so horrible. But can they not see that they are just useful idiots, just like our gov’t, and when the controlling level above gov’t says they’re ALL not useful any more, they will become useless eaters, like the rest of us, and set adrift.

Gov’t and their cronies must be enjoying money and perks now, but why can’t they see that it won’t last forever, and they should join us, and rebel with us whilst they can?! Safety in numbers!!

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

Great article Ian but I disagree with politicians pensioners. These need to be abolished as why should taxpayers fund this scheme when taxpayers themselves do not have the same entitlement of a pension until 67 years and then it’s minuscule.

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Aug 26Liked by Ian Brighthope

The Australian Government body that is invested with responsibility for the approval of vaccines & injectable products and setting the requirements governing their clinical administration is ‘ATAGI’. That is the acronym for the “Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation”. It is part of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

Its members are appointed by the Minister of that Department, and it is currently made up of 14 voting members, plus 6 ex-officio members. The list of their names and qualifications can be found on the Government website, as follows - https://www.health.gov.au/committees-and-groups/atagi

When I checked the ATAGI information on the website in 2021 – the first year of the Covid vax rollout – the list of ATAGI names included information on potential conflicts of interest for each member. Although the information was provided in a very small font size, it was definitely there, and this gave me some reassurance that everything was above board from an administrative & ethical point of view.

The sort of ‘potential conflict’ listed consisted of short statements identifying that that particular ATAGI member had in the past been the beneficiary of some sort of pharmaceutical corporation funded event, such as a conference. The amount of detail provided was minimal. I was surprised at the number of ATAGI members who provided this information - about a third, if I recall correctly.

On checking the ATAGI website just now for the first time since 2021, I am not able to find the ‘conflict’ information. It seems to have disappeared - although I cannot be sure whether it has been listed elsewhere on the Dept of Health site. If the information is now being withheld from the public, I am left wondering why?


As background, the Dept of Health website states that ATAGI's role is to:

• advise the Minister for Health and Aged Care on the medical administration of vaccines available in Australia, including those available through the National Immunisation Program (NIP)

• provide advice to research organisations on current immunisation research and areas that need more research

• provide industry sponsors with pre-submission advice for potential submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) on vaccine effectiveness and use in Australia

• consult with relevant organisations to produce the Australian Immunisation Handbook

• consult with relevant organisations in implementing immunisation policies, procedures and vaccine safety.

The Minister for Health and Aged Care appoints ATAGI members. The group consists of representatives with a mix of research, clinical and implementation/service delivery expertise, as well consumer representatives and ex-officio members. Date last updated: 16 July 2024

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Vaccination is a process by which antibodies are induced by an antigen. It has never caused immunity against any disease except small pox and a viral disease of animals. I don’t, as a senior member of the medical profession, believe vaccination is good enough to protect us from infectious disease. For those who want to is their choice but they must be informed of the adverse effects. For those who want the best immunity there are superior methodologies to vaccines including vitamin D and other nutrients.

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Thank you everyone for your comments. I make a mental note of all of them. I remain very positive for the future but things are going to get worse. Hopefully the awakened youth will step up and help make the changes that are necessary to stop the collapse of our modern civilisation.

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It is interesting how what is going on in Australia is going on throughout the developed world. It is almost as if they are all on the same team coming in for the big win. Do you think it is global capitalism that you are fighting as Hopkins explains? I am not sure if that is what it is, but it sure is something very powerful and the elite all over the world have embraced it. Their embrace has greatly benefited their power and wealth.


"A Brief History of Global Capitalism

It’s one big global-capitalist world now. It has been since the early 1990s. GloboCap has no external adversaries, so it has nothing to do but ‘clear and hold,’ i.e., wipe out pockets of internal resistance and implement ideological uniformity. Which is what it has been doing for the last 30 years, first, in the former Soviet bloc, then, in ‘The Global War on Terror,’ and finally, in our so-called ‘Western democracies,’ as we have just experienced up close and personal during the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal, and are continuing to experience, albeit less dramatically.

In other words, GloboCap is going totalitarian. That is what the ‘New Normal’ is. It is not your granddad’s totalitarianism [i.e., 20th-Century totalitarianism]. It is a new, global-capitalist form of totalitarianism. It displays a number of familiar features — suspension of constitutional rights, official propaganda, goon squads, censorship, ubiquitous symbols of ideological conformity, gratuitous restrictions of freedom of movement and other aspects of everyday life, hatred and persecution of official ‘Untermenschen,’ segregation, criminalization of dissent, mob violence, book burning, show trials, etc. — but there won’t be anyone goose-stepping around in jackboots shrieking about ‘the master race.’ It’s not that kind of totalitarianism."

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OZ is not alone. Canada is most likely worse. There is truth to the saying that ‘politics is the last refuge for a scoundrel .”

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Mark Butler is the minister for health and aged care (Labor)-in May, just gone, he couldn’t wait to sign Australia up to the new W.H.O. amendments, or whatever they were.

Did any Australian vote for him to do that?

I know Australia exits WHO, and Stand Up have been doing fantastic jobs, educating people about how horrible WHO is.

Did Mark Butler tell Australians about what he was doing at the WHO or World Health Assembly? I don’t think so. When we are bound by WHO international guidelines to have mandatory injections, are we going to remember who signed us up for them? We will not forget Mark Butler. We will not forget!

Just like we never forgot the previous minister before Mark Butler-Greg Hunt-the one responsible for the roll out of the covid “vaccines”, until May 2022 federal election. I wonder why he disappeared, and where is he now?

Apart from An Al, Butler is responsible for any “vaccines” now. (An Al is short for our lacklustre P.M. I usually write it AnAl)

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

I think Greg Cunt has a $2M a year job somewhere. Not surprising at all...

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Yeah, I know, they’re all of to these high paying jobs for being good boys, and betraying us and doing what WEF/UN/WHO want them to do.

I wait for the day the WEF etc cut them off/down, because they’re no longer useful to them. Then they become useless eaters, just like WEF thinks of us!

People must realise no gov’t at all care about us, and the ones that do can’t do anything as they’re outnumbered.

Lib/Lab/Nationals/Greens/teals-all the same- one big uniparty. Dutton will get in next election and things will only get worse. Our vote is worth nothing, the party and P.M. are already selected. If Dutton seems too unpopular, they’ll put someone else in. It’s all a show.

Where is G.Hunt was sarcasm above, I should say it, sometimes it doesn’t come across properly!

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I agree with all your comments. Unfortunately I live where there are very few who see it for what it is. I just wonder how bad does it have to get before they start seeing what a completely non democratic country we live in. I hopefully will live to see a revolution, a complete dismantling of the corruption, a country I can be proud of again… Anyhoo, wishful thinking, but really really really hoping...

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Yep, there are lots of people who can’t awaken, and will be left behind. I like your wishful thinking. I have some links from people who really want to do something and need our help, if you want to look: first one is Australian, read we must regain our focus: https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/must-regain second one is American, just read through the article, then he shows lots of videos explaining all the work he’s done, and what we can do. If America adopts what he suggests, all western countries will follow: https://jakejackson.substack.com/p/hurricane-beryl-preparedness-and

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It all started downhill in 1967 when Prime Minister Harold Holt went missing whilst scuba diving!

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Interesting! Maybe it all started going underwater! 🙂

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Maybe the use of AI to vet all procurement contracts against "the market" could at least provide a system of alerts for out of the ordinary prices and contract terms.

What AI can't do ,of course, is connect with the reality of delivery quality for contracts, though auditors need to step up - both internal and external. I do wonder what accounting firms have been doig - maybe worrying more about DEI and climate change than doing their jobs.

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Hi Professor, I would further add that lobbying of pharmaceutical drugs should be banned from doctors offices and hospitals. If a product is as good as it is claimed it should not have to be sold like a Temu or Amazon product, it takes integrity and quality assurance out of the medical treatment. A product that meets all standard safety and efficacy quality assurances should be listed in a gazette and doctors must do their due diligence of reviewing studies before unleashing onto the public.

Many years ago my health was threatened I had a hormone control device, to help w/ PMS insert under the skin. I was not doing well on it, dr refused to remove the Implanon and told me I had to persevere. Never occurred to me at the time that he was getting a monetary kick back hence the reason he never wanted to remove it until I had to get a new one. So the medical incentives, for doctors to continue an unsafe medical practice for incentives also must end, just plain wrong.

Regarding government pensions I was under the impression all politicians received generous packages but were able to be headhunted, or selected for lucrative private sector roles anyway. Am I wrong?

Mind you a reform of this nature must be done, they are public servants not gods to be worshiped. The problem is so many bills in favour of monetising in the public sector are passed without proper scrutiny. The overcrowding, duplication and waste in public service is astounding.

We need to reduce the size of government. This is the very reason it has grown into a tyrannical monster of unaccountable and irresponsible hive of activities, where the buck gets passed from state to federal and vice versa. The public needs to actively participate in the passing of bills at Legislative Council and Assembly level.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

You talk about Politicians and police yet the ones who really should have stood up and spoken up were the medical profession.

Threatened or not and they are the ones who have lost the most here - and their patients.

Either they well knew the truth and sought to profit from the fake narrative or were totally incompetent.

I am not a doctor, but like many I soon found the medical sources I could trust who were coming out against the spikes. That information has proven to be 100% correct right from the start.

If I could get the right information, anyone could.

Clearly, there was no such thing as ‘informed consent’ because truthful and accurate information was not provided to gain that consent.

The failure of the spikes and the life threatening complications that they cause are well known and documented.

Yet even to this day, we stlll have people promoting the spikes and the boosters.

These are the criminals who now need to be arrested, fined or jailed and deregistered.

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What is the root cause of this corruption Ian ? The two party preferred "voting" system, supported by the "impartial" AEC is the starting point. If we don't rearrange this farcical "system" nothing will change. An insult to ALL thinking Australians.

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How many have sold out to the WEF crackpot one world communist order?

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I wonder if the horse has bolted Ian. With all the minister’s who opposed mandates and lockdowns not being put up for reselection, and the others showing no appetite for change, are our gooses already cooked? I bloody hope your good sense filters through 🙏🏻

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I want to know why no federal parliamentarian said to the people who voted for them, that they weren’t required (still not) to take those horrible covid jabs, at the time that everyone else had to have them to keep their jobs. And all the people who work alongside them in federal parliament areas.

What if another round of jabs comes out, and we have to have them, but not Canberra. Do they think we’ll forget?

Anyone who thinks “Scotty from marketing” actually had a real jab is nuts.

About these pensions, I believe no federal politician from 2020 till today and onwards should have any special pension, unless they have been speaking out about these jabs from day one, being when they found out they didn’t have to have them. And even then, it should be a normal pension, unless they have really tried hard to tell the people what they knew since that day one.

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Many more Lemings need to wake up first. It is a good sign that 1.8 million Australians have become members of Aligned Council of Australia which represents the growing opposition to medical tyranny. The Liberal/Labour uniparty and their unaccountable health bureaucracies currently do not give a damn about our health or our national sovereignty. That is evident by the actions of Scummo and weasel Hunt who colluded with the states via their secret cabinet meetings. If they went to prison for their crimes against humanity, they should not be entitled to their bloated and undeserved pensions and perks.

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They and many more should be in prison-this whole New World Order is so big and getting scary-people just can’t get their head around it.

Certainly we need more people to wake up world wide-but some we can’t save, they’ll just be left behind. The people who are awake need to unite, and DO SOMETHING! 😀

That’s what these globalists fear most-that we know what they’re doing and can unite to stop it. The most important thing for now is to resist digital ID, as this will lead to CBDCs, and total control over all of us! But I’m sure you know all this!

This Aussie, Michael Ginsberg has a great article on what’s happening and what we can do now. https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/must-regain-focus

I suggest everyone look at his work!👀👀👍

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