A researcher identified at least 1 out of 4 factors that is always present in all cancer sufferers.

1. Constipation - Dietary deficiencies

2. Dehydration - Not drinking enough H2O

3. Sleep deprivation - less than 7 hours

4. Stress - Worries and overthinking

Many alternative natural therapies are demonised like Ivermectin despite excellent success rates. This metabolic disease is usually caused by prolonged imbalanced lifestyles.

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It's helpful not to give fucks about anything...

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He he he

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Good article, thank you. I’d like to add one more cause- mammography. Also, I think what’s better than taking mushrooms and the like is investigating spiritual practices which includes meditation and possibly talking to a therapist. Better to hit the cause of the stress not just treat the symptoms.

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I agree. Mammography is another stress. Some tribes use the mushrooms for spiritual experiences. Whatever suits , works and is safe is OK for me as a physician.

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I like your theory that prolonged stress causes the “rewiring” of the immune system. That makes sense. Thank you!

It doesn’t fit my husband though. He suffered major stress when Covid forced him out of his job, but we soon found another source of income, and he was very happy. His diet was extremely healthy (with the occasional cheat), never smoked, and no cancer in his family. He enjoyed healthy outdoor activities, such as fishing and bushwalking, and had almost no exposure to toxins. I was jealous of his incredible immune system!

He experienced abdominal pain which was found to be a massive tumour around the colon, and 2 years of treatment could not save him.

My mother was a highly-stressed housewife with excellent taste and bitter disappointments: she got cancer in her 80s, but still made it to almost 96. My Dad had cancer for over 20 years, died at 96. Their diet was pretty good, though Dad ate as much sugar as he wanted.

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Individuality is a crucial factor in all human diseases and health. Who knows but your husband may have been the victim of shedding. I know my heart attack was most likely caused by close contact to an overjabbed coughing associate.

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I've been micro dosing mushrooms for the past 4 years. When I'm stressed is when I take it and it instantly lifts the heaviness off my shoulders and helps me lighten up from being too serious. Will never take antidepressants after I now know how well micro dosing works. Amazing article again...thanks Ian

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Chronic stress overtime causes the continued production of cortisol and then in turn suppresses the immune system. Many years ago I read the book.” why zebras have stripes.” That nailed it.!

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Thanks for being willing to state publicly and conclusively what many of us have sought to mitigate with lifestyle choices.

There has always been remedy for this insanely stressful world.

Addictive personalities fall hard regardless of which substance is chosen.

Instead of looking for a singular cause far better to look for common denominators.

That is stress, the amorphous entity with an insatiable appetite.

Malignancy is multifactoral, however stress is the always an issue.

Exposure to xenobiotics is front row, especially repeated.

Very useful to put the cards face up on table.

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Cancer is triggered off by s CAUSE! I've known stress all my life, but my tumors were triggered off twice by two foods...one excess protein-fat and the other excess carbs, which FUEL THE GROWTH OF TUMORS. When I stopped the foods, which created them...they disappeared in less than 3 months. I only ate raw fruit and vegetables. Most people have no concept that the foods they are eating were. not designed for the human body. There are other things that can cause cancer...I know someone who started cancer in her mouth, because she drank ultra hot coffee all the time..The #1 suspect is what is going in the mouth., be it food, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc...and also what is being injected into the bloodstream.

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Simpe fact: stress lowers the immune system. If your immune system is up against too much it fails. I personally think it is just another contributing factor, you need all the ingredients, but especially the toxins and lack of nutrition. Also eggs and dairy feed cancers. Many people drink too much milk and eat cakes. Also I think about how women (and men nowadays) spray toxic fragrances on their bodies, including make up, hair dyes, hair shampoos, deodorants, etc. They are walking toxic factories with all that stuff. The liver cannot cope and then the toxins accumulate in a weak spot in the body and if you keep feeding it, it simply grows. Anthony William the medical medium explains a lot about it and also says it is from a virus called EBV:



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As another commenter mentioned, Hamer's German New Medicine system, as I understand it, sees cancer as the result of "shock". Maybe. I think there are multiple stressors that can trigger it, but at the same time, the body has ways of keeping it in check. If it can't do that anymore the result may be a quick spreading. Whatever the cause(s), I'm firmly convinced the answer to cancer is in embryology. I have mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating. The trophoblastic model of cancer is the model that explains it the best.



And there are many approaches that work against cancer.

The explosion in cancer cases worldwide is most likely due to a variety of factors, but if I had to pick 2, it would be the countermeasures & the rollout of fifth generation wireless communication infrastructure worldwide.

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German New Medicine addresses this.

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I used chlorine dioxide, ivermectin no sugar fasted and got rid of my colon cancer.

I know take Fenbendazole.

I am under slot of stress . I live in my vehicle have done for years.

It's stressful, but less stressful than being around people who don't help just take and hope you've got good life insurance and they are on it.

Mould is another bad one. I have UCTD and it ramps up my immune issues. Alot of houses have hidden mould.

Can you get us the phycadelic mushrooms...faith in the creator also played a big part.

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