Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

I'll be 71 in a few days (https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/repeated-mrna-covid-jabs-lead-to?). Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff: - Covid - Influenza - VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial) The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now. I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home." We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.

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I’m nearly 79 and continue to be gobsmacked at human madness. It started in medical school.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

Unblieveable they are hounding you, how dare they push the poison. Good on you Luc for sticking to your principiles. Next time ask them to prove to you they actually work effectively. There is no proof.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

So when do the vaccines know when to stop "self-amplifying", crazy, stay away from this poison people. As Dr Brighthope says, vitamin C and other health measures does a better job. I have had my 2 cups of lemon water, 2 cups of celery juice, a small bowl of watermelon and now just had 2 apples and a kiwi fruit. Eating a lot of fruit has also kept my 87 year old mum healthy, she just had all blood test results with no issues showing. She sits in the sunshine most days too. Sun does not cause skin cancer but lack of sun does, especially if you plaster your body with toxic sunscreen cream/spray.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

I would have preferred your advice in bold at the end of the post had been placed at the beginning 😀

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Interesting, thank you Prof Brighthope The link below is to a huge collection of papers and references from the Substack of Dr Mark Trozzi - newly posted. The debate is surely over. https://open.substack.com/pub/drtrozzi/p/covid-injections-unveiling-the-mechanisms?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Thank you David.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

Knowing that this is all a nonsense leads me to another newer worry. You laudibly recommendl certain supplements to support immune function, notably D.

Certain luminaries in "our movement" are trying to convince their readers supplements are toxic poison (and even viruses, for God's sake).

How do you respond to this new insanity and why do you think it might be happening?

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Sad to say ignorance or ego.

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Just the two options?

I'm dreading "controlled opposition" turning out to be a truth.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope


If all these researchers and companies really wanted to improve people's health, they would first do everything they can to get people's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level up to the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) which is needed for proper immune system function. Then they may be a call for some vaccines, antivirals etc. - but nowhere near as much apparent need for them as in the current situation where most people have 1/10th to 1/2 of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D they need to be healthy. However, there's not much money to be made from such an approach.

UV-B skin exposure and foods, fortified with vitamin D3 or not, cannot safely and reliably attain the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (make primarily in the liver from vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, and as measured in "vitamin D" blood tests).

Fortunately, vitamin D3 supplementation in small quantities will attain this 25-hydroxyvitamin D level after several months, with the amount to take, on average, per day, depending on body weight and obesity status, with no need for medical monitoring or 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood tests: New Jersey based Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa has such recommendations https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-how-much. These are based on his article: "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections - Sepsis and COVID-19" Nutrients 2022-07-21 http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997 as simplified somewhat in his FLCCC webinar: https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Weeekly_Webinar_Aug16_2023:d?t=3386.

0.125 mg (5000 IU) a day on average is sufficient for 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity. This is about 8 times greater than what governments and many doctors recommend.

"5000 IUs a day" sounds like a lot, but it is 1/8000th of a gram = 1 gram every 22 years. Pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. A credit card weighs 5 grams.

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Agree. We give 300,000IU to deficient patients and 600,000 IU to severely deficient patients. By injection.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

So, have we then to assume that faith in and reliance on our innate immune system is to be cast aside?

Teaching everybody to live and nurture oneself properly to maintain a healthy immune system is still the right way and the only way to proceed.

Let vaccines be for those whose with compromised immune systems.

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Oct 5Liked by Ian Brighthope

NO, as comprimised Immune systems are made worse each time there is a jab of any sort.

COmpromised IMmune systems need support NOT attacks

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For those with compromised immune systems the vaccines are even more problematic. They NEED the D AND C AND ZINC and proper food.

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I started doing it in 1975.

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Where is the off switch.. you started something that may never allow the body to return to normal.. a permanent state of producing and reacting.. this will be auto immune hell… what utter stupidity.

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Ian, it is not clear from which paper much of your Substack is derived.

It seemed like the commentary is a quote

Can you post the source, please?

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After the full spectrum assault on our rights with their unlawful forced mRNA injections and the governments knowledge that mRNA was never tested to prevent transmission or infection of a virus in the first place clearly reeks of another agenda. Clearly, this is a depopulation agenda. They don`t care if you end up infertile, in a wheelchair or dead because the tyrants are happy with all of these outcomes. The question is: who is still silly enough to voluntarily take any medical product, regardless of how safe they claim it to be? I suffered adverse events from their fake vaccine, I lost my job because I refused to risk further injury from another injection and, endured medical apartheid just like an unvaxxed person. And guess what, THEY DON`T CARE about what happens to us. You are also unlikely to get compensation if you end up in a wheelchair because they only accept a handful of specific injuries as vax injuries and those thousands of other known injuries don`t count. Never again.

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