Financial and Social Costs

"The financial burden of the proposed IHR amendments is staggering. Australia has already contributed $100 million to the WHO in 2023, in addition to its core funding of $75 million for 2022-2027."

Chicken feed, folks compared to the WHO backdoor slush fund aka The Global Fund. Read on & don't over boil your blood as, you read of the additional amounts of OUR money, frittered away, so tyrants can continue to lock US down in the future.

Moreover, our moronic leaders also "retired" another countries debt for an even bigger loss of revenue. Another National disgrace.


Australia is a long-standing partner of the Global Fund, contributing a total AUD 1,132.27 million to date. In 2022, Australia pledged AUD 266 million for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, covering the period 2023-2025. With this commitment, Australia recognizes the role that its support and financial contributions play in fighting infectious diseases and strengthening health systems, which are essential in preparing for emerging health threats in the Indo-Pacific region. For the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022, Australia pledged AUD 242 million.

Australia was the second country to join the Global Fund’s debt conversion initiative, Debt2Health. In 2016, Indonesia agreed with Australia to invest the equivalent of AUD 37.5 million to support its national TB program through the Global Fund, in exchange for Australia’s cancellation of the equivalent of AUD 75 million of Indonesia’s debt to Australia.

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Any who go along with these very harmful proposed IHR Amendments must have a financial interest in the matter or are they just plain stupid? Jeopardizing one's country by putting it under the control of a very corrupt WHO (and UN) will be harmful to every Australian, even those who promote these Amendments.

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We don`t need WHO or any other cabal controlled body to replace it, EVER. The WHO should be destroyed and never be replaced in any way shape or form. I am sure there are many competent Australians that can perform a pandemic response role ( we had a pandemic response plan before covid, but our tyrants chose a diabolical plan to justify use of their mRNA bioweapon jabs) and, they would be required to answer to Australian law only.

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