This is the best statement on health and vaccines that I have seen from any government health official in the world in the last 50 years.

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Fraudulent methodology, biased trial design, conflicts of interest and outright deceit to make vaccines appear 'safe and effective' has been systemic and entrenched for decades.

This is standard practice for corrupt industry and captured regulators to maintain the edifice of fraud; https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ICAN-Reply-1.pdf

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Wow! Impressive!

I just can't look at the stuff on kids and babies. I am forever grateful that the COVID vax was never pushed on kids in Australia. (Kids and babies were so damaged by the lockdowns though).

Recommending getting outside to support Vit D levels! Recommending that people prioritise vegetables! I'm astonished there isn't a warrant out for his arrest for spreading such heresies! No doubt many are working to make this happen.

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They were pushed on kids, remember students were encouraged and there were many ads showing kids getting vaccinated.

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Sorry, I don't remember that. They certainly weren't mandated like the childhood vaccines - at least not in my state. If your kid doesn't have all their shots they're not permitted to go to kinder. Also, various kids activities that became available once we came out of lockdown, the kids did not have to have a COVID shot to access them but the attending adult did. We had to show on our phones that we had had our shot in order to be able to attend. I don't believe shots were available for small children at that time - I remember asking my GP about and was told none had been approved yet.

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No need to apologize, I just wanted to clarify it. Crazy times, also Russell Broadbent Independant senator is working on getting rid of the no jab no pay policy on family assistant payments. When my son went to kinder many years ago he was not vaccinated and they told him to stay home when there was any kind of break out, it only happened once.

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Ironically, the breakout probably occurred in the vaccinated bunch too?

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More likely, my son was mostly never sick throughout his childhood, maybe once or twice a bit off for a couple of days only.

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Thanks KoalaPower. Yes aware of Russell Broadbent's great work! Oh that's good your son was able to go to kinder even though he wasn't vaccinated.

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It's mind boggling that anyone working in the health system still believes vaccines are the answer. I'm looking to the time clinics will return to be sleepy places with few visitors, who mostly suffered an accident.

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Excellent... all is well https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/vaccines-are-population-control

Just let everyone else keep injecting...

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First authority in the western world to break the lockstep. Am I missing something, or is this HUGE!

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Since I went low carb about five years ago I haven't even had a sniffle. Before then I was coming down with a bed-ridding fever about once a year.

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Very hard to stop a money machine once it has been activated, and the vaccine industry cog wheels are so entrenched. Imagine a world with no vaccines, things would go back to normal for humans, no autism, no immune issues, and no unexpected deaths, etc. Although the damage done will take time to recover from. No vaccine has ever proven to be effective and prevent disease or death.

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All allopathic medicine and all state sanctioned holistic medicine is fraudulent, the whole lot!


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