Natural Immunity: Must be emphasised as superior and lifelong, contrasting with vaccine limitations. Herd immunity may only be achieved with natural immunity.
As per usual...brilliant writing and research Ian.
I was the only person not vaccinated at my school back in the day and some kids still got measles and gave it to me. If I didn't have little spots all over me you would not have known I had it. I welcomed the 10 days away from school. Although my mother wondered why I had to stay away from school as everyone else was vaccinated. Go figure one raised an eyebrow about that except my intelligent parents. I was raised by two warriors not sheep. My mother told me they tried to put the fear of God into her but she said that in her view it was the most unnatural thing to do..stick needles of viruses into my body that my immune system may never come into contact with and if It did it would do what it was born to do..fight off any invaders naturally. No money in that theory for big pharma.
I remember growing up as a kid in the 60's. When one kid got measles, all the local mothers got their own kids and shoved them all together to sleep in the same room for a day or two. They wanted them all to catch it, so that they all got immunity from that point on.
Measles were never a big deal when I was growing up. It was a thing that all kids got naturally. They got shitty looking red pimples on them, and maybe a bit of a cold or a fever, but that was it.
Now, they're trying to make it out like it's as bad as Ebola or some damn thing. It is insanity.
As per usual...brilliant writing and research Ian.
I was the only person not vaccinated at my school back in the day and some kids still got measles and gave it to me. If I didn't have little spots all over me you would not have known I had it. I welcomed the 10 days away from school. Although my mother wondered why I had to stay away from school as everyone else was vaccinated. Go figure one raised an eyebrow about that except my intelligent parents. I was raised by two warriors not sheep. My mother told me they tried to put the fear of God into her but she said that in her view it was the most unnatural thing to do..stick needles of viruses into my body that my immune system may never come into contact with and if It did it would do what it was born to do..fight off any invaders naturally. No money in that theory for big pharma.
I remember growing up as a kid in the 60's. When one kid got measles, all the local mothers got their own kids and shoved them all together to sleep in the same room for a day or two. They wanted them all to catch it, so that they all got immunity from that point on.
Measles were never a big deal when I was growing up. It was a thing that all kids got naturally. They got shitty looking red pimples on them, and maybe a bit of a cold or a fever, but that was it.
Now, they're trying to make it out like it's as bad as Ebola or some damn thing. It is insanity.
I can remember in Sydney we had CHICKEN POX parties and measles was expected for children, never any children hurt or dying.
Our Auto Immune systems doing their job,
When the falsified measles nonsense of the contagious obligate intracellular parasite ceases, then we'll have made genuine progress.