Jun 22Liked by Ian Brighthope

I’ll share this as much as I can. It’s disgusting that you are so rudely ignored. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf.

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Thank you. We must keep trying.

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Jun 22Liked by Ian Brighthope

A good letter, Ian, which I hope receives a considered response. I have also written to my local members of state and federal parliaments, my senators, state and national health ministers and others over the past three years, with a deafening silence in response. The only reasonable conclusion is that politicians routinely assume that the advice received from their health bureaucrats is permanently and unambiguously reliable, despite (now) overwhelming and consistent international evidence to the contrary. I often walk past a sign in Perth outside an EY office that suggests that the most important perspective is often the one you don’t have; this situation seems an excellent example of that observation. (Made about cyber security not Covid … but no less valid for that.)

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Keep up the pressure Barry. And keep all your correspondence too.

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I too have written letters to all and sundry, receiving deafening silence in return. Although, the TGA did reply and told me to stop contacting them because they had already answered my questions - so I guess that’s a response 🙄. This shows categorically the utter disregard and disrespect for Australians, their questions, concerns and views. When I see letters written by indisputably qualified authors, such as Ian Brighthope that are also ignored, it proves to me the extent of government corruption and capture by wealthy lobbyists. This is a tyranny, not a democracy 💩

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Excellent writing, but will they read it? I suggest if you have not already send a copy to all political parties, MP's and anyone else who needs to see this. The very least they should stop all mandates. The coercians have to stop too. Not just for adults for all, including babies and children. Welfare family payments are still being effected by those who do not immunize their children.

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Excellent letter. Thank you. Unfortunately, the politicians are not the enemy. We are the enemy. It’s peoples laziness and selfishness and fear that really stops the truth from being exposed. People just close off. They don’t want to know unless they have been obviously injured. Still, we must continue the fight. They want us dead, don’t comply.

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We have yet to assess the following: For years, we have known that Mr. Gates promotes vaccines that would reduce fertility. We are aware of most of the individuals inciting chaos in Western countries—people like the Gateses, Soroses, Zuckerbergs, Rothschilds, Schwabs, Faucis, and their political puppets. There are already laws to protect us against such depraved indifference from privileged individuals wronging their own people. The intelligence communities even know where their bunkers are located. So why are they never indicted and prosecuted?

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Excellent letter Sir, unfortunately the cynic in me doesn’t think PM or anyone in parliament will ever do the honorable thing and actually reply to you let alone do the very logical & reasonable things you ask. Australia needs to speak with their vote & make sure these incompetent at best and corrupt at worst people are never ever trusted again 🤔

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My theory is that if we share Ian’s letter like crazy it might just might get noticed so that’s what I’m doing. It might also open a few closed minds ?? Anyway that’s my strategy .

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Great idea, I 'm def going to pass it around

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

There’s hardly anyone worth voting for. They are mostly captured by WEF/UN/WHO. I think Australians just shouldn’t vote. Because all we have is uniparty; Labor/Liberal/Nationals/Greens, and the few outliers. So if no one is voted in, maybe the people can do something!! Dutton=Albanese

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Awesome Ian

Support Monica Smit’s Melbourne Court appearance, 23 July


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Thank you, Professor Brighthope. We seem to be up against a widespread utilitarian mindset: Because billions of doses have been administered globally, a level of collateral damage must be deemed to be acceptable. Absent from further consideration of course is the now known severity potential of the disease as well as the safety and effectiveness of the injections. I’ll keep fighting.

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As an Australian citizen I am very concerned and also very grateful to those (like Dr Brighthope) with the knowledge and experience and the will to speak on behalf of us all in this matter. History will not look kindly on those in once trusted positions of power and leadership who ignored people like yourself.

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Respectfully suggest that now that the Emergency is over the Chief Health Officers are personally sued for manslaughter, homicide and battery. I have more than enough evidence to at least put Andrew Robertson away. These people will only listen to personal charges at this point and do not care about these letters.

Continuing to do the same thing (writing letters, playing within their system with enquiries) will get nowhere or worse, usher in the next emergency entirely under their terms.

We need a bulldog laywer who will sue them in their personal capacity regarding due diligence as above. The fact that no one in Australia is willing to do this but instead prefers to safely colour within the lines or only focus on the jabs speaks volumes.

To this end, I am ready and willing to assist and police and legal team.

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Instead of these letters -- which will be tossed in the bin... why not take some real action ... for instance.. Facebook will allow anti vax comments now...

So why not find stuff on FB from the major news outlets with details of dead sportsmen ... e.g. https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/rugby/highlanders/highlander-connor-garden-bachop-dies-25

Then hammer away with info letting the Vaxxers know that this is a vax injury ... and pounding them with info on excess deaths involving athletes since the jab rolled out

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No chance.

Dutton will take him, and the ALP, to the cleaners. And they deserve it as well. Alternative? Bandt? LOL.

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But we have the uniparty-Labor/Liberal/Green/Nationals. Dutton=Albanese, except I think Dutton’s got a few more brain cells.

If you ask me what to do then, I don’t know, except imagine how it would be if no Australian voted!! Chaos!! Our chaos!!

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🙏 although he may not have time to read it being so busy making three eyed fish memes

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I agree with Dr David Martin, when our governments remove the vaccine industries legal protection, then by their own standards ( profit ) the pandemic industry will end.

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Thankyou Ian for your incredibly difficult and noble work!

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Succinct and powerfu letter.

I think a similar letter template be sent to all contenders standing for the next federal election. They must declare a vax safety opinion well before the election, otherwise facecloth barrage of questions wherever they go.

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