it's vile to attack a cancer survivor just because she took a slightly different path to healing.

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The corporations want a total monopoly.


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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

The irony of criticising her about potential motives around making money when the alternative they promote is the single most lucrative big pharma, toxic pile of crap with zero nuance or individualisation, typical

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

I whole heartedly agree with you Dr. Brighthope. Everyone has the innate right to choose their own health journey. I respect Elle for speaking out. Unfortunately it is not just the media who attack our choices but also the oncologists themselves who have little understanding of nutrition and other health options. Keep up the good work you are doing.

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

"While mainstream medicine, with its emphasis on chemotherapy, radiation, and pharmaceuticals, undoubtedly saves lives.. ". This is an old trope. Dogma.

Overall, 95% die within 5 years who receive conventional cancer treatments.

Little progress has been made in the past 50 years, despite trillions wasted on dead end research on cut, burn & poison cancer treatments.

Meanwhile, cheap, safe ivermectin & fenbendazole, long suppressed, are actually curing some cancers at a higher rate than conventional treatments, without destroying the health & quality of life those who try.

Hopefully, Elle will prove the critics wrong. But if so, I suspect she'll be memory holed by the media.

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

I imagine Ian needed a 'disclaimer' or he would also be branded a 'quack' by the likes of Janet Albrechtsen.

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I don’t mind the branding Susan. The word “quack” can be gently dissected to become “QUAlity Care with Kindness”.

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Love it!! Cheers. Susie

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Interesting point. My personal physician is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are a couple of young oncologists who bring him into the hospital, a prominent inner city hospital, after 9:00pm at night to treat their patients. They say to him, "We don't understand what you do but it works!" And he has treated some very high profile people. So not all Oncologists are locked into the system. Another very close friend just took on an incredible role, a very high level role in health, and she said to me, "The only way to really fix this situation is to smash the colleges. They ahve too much power and they do not use it for good."

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Well, I guess this rubbish piece of journalism attacking Elle is to be expected. The media has been captured. When people realise that the cancer industry is worth billions of dollars, perhaps the white knuckled defence of orthodox medicine might become a little clearer. As an author of a book on integrative oncology, I feel somewhat justified in sticking my beak in here. There is much research evidence to support nutritional medicine and complementary medicine approaches. Good article Ian.

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Thanks Kylie. Great book too.

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Great article Ian. You know they say that it is the hungry man who talks the loudest about food. The same goes for people who raise issues about money and project their own inability to create wealth onto talented and successful people. It is clear The Australian has bound itself the the pharmaceutical industry for profit, and perhaps survival. The terrible articles published a few years back defaming Prof Sali where evidence then of Advertisers holding sway over editorial content. Poor old Albrechtsen, it seems, cannot contain her bitterness toward a successful woman of elegance and class as she panders to the source of her paycheck for approval and self validation. What she has blinded herself to, and what would deliver so much reward as a journalist, is that she is pandering to one of the world's biggest and perhaps most insidious cartels. She has sold her soul to the devil whilst Elle's status as a Heavenly Angel continues to rise and rise.

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So true John. Prof Sali is long time friend. We get strength from one another. The attacks on integrative and nutritional medicine doctors are constant, without basis and vile. Is it any wonder we don’t have enough?

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

I completely support Elle and condemn the language the media use. Another example of how quickly the media will bury you just to obey their moguls

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

I’m thrilled to hear that Elle is promoting natural therapies and sharing an alternative to the Big Harma journey. May she continue to go well. 👏

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

Yet another good article, thank you, Prof Brighthope.

Her body, her choice. I have seen too many friends suffer dreadfully for no gain (& plenty of loss) at the hands of conventional cancer treatment. I want none of it. I am convinced of the virtues of nutrition & natural health, so in the event of a cancer diagnoses, I hope I'd just say no. Janet A can make all those decisions for herself, but so far as I can see, she has no authority to judge total strangers & criticise them for thinking differently to herself.

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Journalists work for a boss. The boss is the cartel of control.

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

I do not want to be rude, but it is enough to look at them to get to a conclusion. No other human being can interfere with your life and death decisions , about what to eat, how to treat yourself, etc. I personally distrust the modern medicine approach, the Codex Alimentarius consensus and all the crap some groups of interests came with lately, with the only purpose of PROFIT. Chemotherapy, radiation and pharmaceuticals do harm, and those who believe in them without trying a functional approach first, good luck with that.

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I agree. There is only a small part of modern medicine that excels; the rest is dangerous.

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

The media these days and majority clueless.

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

would Elle risk jail sentence under the proposed new disinformation bill before th

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

Ohhhh. There's a scary idea, but hopefully Elle is ahead of that threat.

What on earth is our government thinking? Probably no thinking at all. Blind obedience?

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Government’s can’t think. Corporations dictate to politicians who look to corporations for a life after politics. The revolving door syndrome.

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Sep 15Liked by Ian Brighthope

freedom of choice ..yes..?..

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I’m all for ProChoice and pro natural alternative therapies instead of toxic regimes. My surviving other half is my living proof, just like Elle McPherson.

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Sep 16Liked by Ian Brighthope

Well said, Ian. I usually have a lot of time for Albrechtsen, but she certainly lost me with this.

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