Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Ian Brighthope

The CDC (and “guidelines”) is a battering ram used by corpofascist CEOs and HR departments to put employees under their thumb. Politicians do the same, shirking their responsibilities to balance economic and liberty concerns with real science and public health, following CDC faux-based to the other’s detriment. A very dangerous weapon indeed.

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Ian, I don`t know anyone personally who suffered serious illness or death from covid. The fatality rate in Australia was ~0.16% and there has been significantly worse flu seasons in the past.

Unfortunately, I am aware of many people who suffered serious injuries from the bioweapon jabs, including possibly three members in one family. No doubt you are correct regarding the arrogance and self interest of the medical leaders contributing to this iatrogenic crisis.

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Jul 1Liked by Ian Brighthope

Excellent post Ian, but I think you missed out on something that is missing in the CDC protocols : common sense!

Or to use the Hippocratic Oath (no not the hypocritical oaf who wrote the protocols) "first do no harm"

Or to use scripture: "Love does no wrong to a neighbour; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."

(Rom 13:10)

Why bother to have an education if all you have to do is "follow orders" of those who have the power to take your job away?

All educated people should FIRST use their brain to determine something then look at the "guidelines" and see if that is relevant to the situation. They are meant to "guide" not to brainwash.

I have a lung disease but when I went to my small local hospital during COVID I was told to sit outside in the middle of winter to wait in the ambulance car park on a cold plastic chair rather than sit in the warm comfortable waiting room inside the hospital as I somehow could infect the entire hospital.

But two other people were also waiting in this freezing environment, both of which had serious heart problems! And they had to come to this stupid hospital 2 or three times a week! Just "following orders" is not good enough excuse, it is plain stupidity and cowardliness to endanger a life because someone told you want you should do.

This is typical of government run entities, from hospitals to universities to councils etc. They are all run by the bean counters and the administration not the educated people who know what they need to do.

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Martin, You miss another very important point - the EDUCATION (quality) of the educated is very seriously lacking! There are more University trained people than ever before today and yet they show a much lower level of competence and knowledge, and inborn talents .

Dr Brighthope I am pleased to note you have mentioned The AUSTRALIAN CDC, which I am sure is following the modus operandi of the USA "parent", as so many institutions do in many areas of society.

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Yes education is mostly rote learning where as the scientific methods and philosophies and reasoning are seldom taught. No wonder they think AI can take over.

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Jul 1Liked by Ian Brighthope

When did you first hear about the 2,615,699 Deaths recorded in FAERS ?


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We are trying to change things. The uniparty is destroying Australia. We need politicians who will run their departments for the people. And we need capable bureaucrats. And we need to put Big whatever back in its place.

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