Sep 27Liked by Ian Brighthope

!! Findings from quantum physics make energy “free” !!


please watch this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g2VY2oz-S2c .

>> This is a completely other dimension compared to what we have been used so far by the deep state.

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Fascinating thank you.

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“Those who give up freedom for security, deserve neither.”

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Sep 27Liked by Ian Brighthope


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🙏 Now shared on Dr Ryan Cole’s Facebook page (assuming it’s him), where he has more than a thousand friends: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid08H6Pm8ExNQQnDjvgAwRGX4KoZ1zbRsxtgcbrm8AKWanuL2tXvx2k9tuUZZ9q7CDUl&id=100006811459344

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Sep 27Liked by Ian Brighthope

Too deep?

"“The main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are referred to as the Orion Wars. In our Universal Time Matrix the wars started over territories in the constellation of Lyra (The Cradle of Lyra). But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion, and it became a war between False King of Tyranny mind-sets and ideologies with ideology of the Service to Others which follow the Law of One. Essentially, this is the seed of the war over consciousnesses between the Christ and the Anti-Christ.”


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Sep 27Liked by Ian Brighthope

Yet another well reasoned expose. The list is long.

Deep State has always been real.

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Call it "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy.

In the US, the central committee is the Council on Foreign Relations and its network of corporations, foundations, and NGOs which has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

As usual, the "Biden team" is dominated by CFR members including Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Mayorkas, Burns, Zients, and dozens more. The major finance, energy, defense, pharma, and media corps are CFR "partners", including BlackRock, Exxon, Lockheed, Pfizer, Google and Facebook. See lists: cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

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sorry...my message may have come across as a command or arrogant...it was meant as a cry for help with the idea that you might also cover this topic for your readership in the future …https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g2VY2oz-S2c

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