The PCR is a fraud - does not diagnose any disease. Source is Katy Mullis who got a Nobel prize for inventing it. This is about destroying the food chain . It evolved from limits to growth circa 1968-70 Club of Rome. Our agriculture department also intends to force farmers to vaccinate all cattle with mRNA . We saw what that has done for humans. The French are already vaccinating ducks and geese for bird flu. And then there is Bovaer a food additive that European farmers have been mandated to stock feed- to stop them farting. However it shrinks cattle ovaries. I guess they failed to get cooperation from farmers to cull their herds to unprofitable levels. The reason for the destruction of chickens is that it’s the cheapest form of protein and essential nutrients for low and very low income people. For people not familiar with club of Rome, they intend to reduce the population through war , famine and disease.

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"The PCR is a fraud."

Dear Julie, You are totally over the Target 🎯.

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Always was a fraud, doesn’t test for HIV AIDS FLU or any other disease.

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Kary Mullis said PCR was never meant to diagnose anything, just pick up traces of “stuff”.

He died in 2019. Coincidence?

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‘You should never underestimate human stupidity’. Fabulous. Should be used extensively to describe the last 5 years. I am convinced that AI primarily designed ,and will be, used as a tool of propaganda, indoctrination of bullshit and a form of fear implementation. Good article Prof, thank you.

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Thank you. I have some more to add to it.

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They are still going after the food chain 🤦‍♀️

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" . . . still going after the food chain"

Spot On. If People Are Blind to This; We cannot assist them.

I am so fed up with Stupid Psyopped Idiot Box Watching Couch Potato People.

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Unfortunitly 'you can't fix stupid'. Per Sen. Kennedy. He is correct.

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RFKjr owns a stake in a gene editing company. Never trust a politician. Not one.

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Culling should never be necessary. Just let farmers farm.

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In the latest NSW outbreak mortality wasn't particularly high. The first farm had been seeing increased mortality for a month before authorities were involved. The outbreak was traced to contaminated feed NOT wild birds on the farm and the second farm had the "outbreak" confirmed by pcr not symptoms. What's the bet it was criss contaminated tests as the second farm was on the same property.

Currently in Victoria spread is via contaminated equipment and spread via birds hasn't been observed or detected.

The NSW "outbreak" was NOT a spreading outbreak despite misleading wording by the DPI. And over 5,000 pcr tests were undertaken without any positive results.

Once birds were culled the bodies were trucked to a burial site - leaking bodily fluids and dander as they went. This did NOT result in a single case in backyard birds.

The current response is a total nonsense

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Check this one out.

The Canadian government asking hunters to help cull the ostriches.


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Thank you Ian - I loved the short piece to camera about chickens. 'Two blades of grass' reminds me of the One Straw Revolution which, having been read, has never left me.

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Great book.

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Well met friend

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Never underestimate the stupidity of humans


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