Aug 23Liked by Ian Brighthope

Thank you for taking the time to write about this issue Ian.

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Aug 23Liked by Ian Brighthope

And we owe a debt of gratitude to you, Senator.

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Incomprehensible 😔

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Totally & utterly disgusting. And a mere handful of politicians opposed this awfulness - the same brave pollies who opposed the vax scam & question net zero; they are truly honorable men amidst the barbarians that 'represent' us.

Hopefully the latter, at some time & place, will discover that karma is a reality.

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Watch the Albright clip here https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-most-important-documentary-ever

This is what humans do ... we are vile ... nasty ... vicious... cruel.... and we always will be.

The sooner we go extinct... the better....

We are a disgrace to this beautiful planet... and all the other species that don't pave the f789ing thing over

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Aug 24Liked by Ian Brighthope

You have 8, maybe 12 weeks. After that put the baby up for adoption and revisit your life choices. Infanticide of neonates on the edge of viability is Satanic.

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I am writing to these Senators as we speak, it is unbelievable to me that particularly women, and conservative women at that, can turn their backs on a vulnerable newborn baby. These people are despicable, and there is no place for them in any role in government or society for that matter. The fact that some of them are mothers is chilling, shame on them,they have no humanity, God have mercy on their souls.

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Aug 23Liked by Ian Brighthope

Some letters to Senators coming up !!!🇦🇺

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Unreal. What had happened to the medical profession and health care professionals to stand by and allow this to happen? What happened to the Oath all medical and nursing professionals take to do no harm?

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Aug 23Liked by Ian Brighthope

The vax set the precedent and it's open slather now.

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So true. And there has been this nudging and creep by bad intellectual since I graduated.

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It was not different 20 years ago. Some of us have known for a very very long time.

The Medical cartel is owned and operated by Big P. Their treatments kill and maim.

I am not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, however the magnitude of the problem is so great it cannot and shoud not be an attempted repair job.

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maybe they get paid more to keep the population low,

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This is not simply a contemporary issue; it is the central issue of today, square and formost of all our ethical and legal consideration... the legal reality that to permit a human being to die by denying easily available medical assastance, is murder or. at the very least, manslaughter.

That is why, when national and personal sovereignty has been restored, I will see to it that every doctor, bureaucrat, and nurse who participated in this heinous crime, whether baby or adult, will briefy stand trial and be executed. For those who are brainwashed by the anti-capital punishment lobby, understand that this was not terminated by referendum but by the politicians themselves. My full demographic national door-to-door surveys showed support for the death penalty was at 70% and above. My guess is that this is now over 80%. Those who actively seek to undermine national community consensus will share their fate because these are the same people who haded power to the globalists.

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Blake's 'Infant Joy', this cruelty is a sad reflection on our societies complete loss of basic moral values.

“I have no name

I am but two days old.”—

“What shall I call thee?”

“I happy am

Joy is my name,—”

“Sweet Joy befall thee!”

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The Medical Cartel has always been a cartel since the Flexner report.

It should and must topple... The henchmen ... they are treasonous cowards.

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Monkeys selected by the WEF to legislate for Australians!

No surprise here!

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Why are most women liberal?

It is very difficult to find a conservative lady and the few are afraid to talk or even give an opinion, why is that?

And, I am not mentioning young girls who at this point in history are mostly brainwashed, just like young men.

So, it could be that maybe it's because they are smarter than men?

Obviously women are more intelligent than men for many reasons.

They earn more (or the same) money regardless of their qualifications, in most jobs.

Even in sports where there are obvious differences in quality, such as football (soccer) or any individual fighting sport, such as boxing, women demand and receive equal pay.

And what about tennis? Well, I think the quality of women's tennis matches that of men.

Of course, that doesn't mean they can compete at the same level against men, that's ridiculous, however the quality and enjoyment of the game is there.

Regardless, they play (or need) to win only two sets out of three to win a Grand Slam instead of needing three sets of five, as men do.

Still, they demand and receive the same pay, so it is obvious that women are smarter than men.

I think people don't need a bigger brain to be smarter.

Women have smaller brains than men, however, they are still more intelligent, and even with an empty brain or without it, they act more intelligently in most cases as…

As the support for abortion, because supporting abortion is not supporting the murder of babies! (according to all liberal democrats)

It's having sex without worrying about raising children, that's being smart!! TRUE?.. Hum..!?... Is it?

Or is it a case of a “brainwashed liberal hollow mind” who listens to or believes anything they say on television or on the Internet where everything is censored? And full of lies!

The destruction that is occurring in this country and around the world due to the policies of the Democratic Party in power applied by an old man who can barely walk or talk sense and who has been corrupt and a liar his entire life is not the fault of many (or most) women who vote Democrat.

There are also many young men who are brainwashed or empty-headed, due to the media that continues to feed their brains with lies 24 hours a day for the exclusive benefit of a (Marxist) agenda disguised as democrats.

They also vote Democrat and are clearly not as intelligent as women.

I have met some liberal women who say they are on the same team as the Republican Party, however, I suspect they are lying.

I don't read minds. It's just the way they've told it to me with blank eyes, like they were trying to look further into the horizon but couldn't see.

However, it's just an impression and I hope I'm wrong.

Regardless, I know that the majority will vote for the Party disguised as Democrat, I don't need any poll to know that women are very smart!

So is their surprising intelligence the reason most women are liberal Democrats?

Héctor Bayate

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I was incredulous and so sad when I heard of the response of Australian politicians to the plight of little babies left to die without human touch, warmth and loving care. Every time I think about it, I want to reach out and hold these vulnerable babies. I can’t do that, so the next best thing is for me to write to those who voted down the bill to protect living babies. It’s deceptive for politicians to say the bill was linked to the right to abortion. The bill was quite separate and only about protecting babies born alive. Politicians willing to allow newborns to die shouldn’t be serving the Australian population. Their values have hit rock bottom. Many thanks to those senators who voted for the bill to save our most vulnerable Australians.

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Well.. there is no debating the fact that ... abortion ... is murder.

But hey ... humans are stupid morons.... they believe murder is ok... if it involves babies...

I am far more concerned about this

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maybe more home births?

bad education system => home schooling.

Bad medical system => home births.

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