If we lose free speech, which is the objective, we will lose all our freedoms.

Bret Weinstein, in a recent Rogan podcast, made the point that the US forefathers strategically made free speech the first amendment and owning and a gun the second amendment, because they knew what tyranny was.

If free speech is taken, then guns would be required!

We don’t have a first amendment, nor do we have guns, and unfortunately most have no idea of the inverted totalitarianism that subverting our freedoms.

The Australian government and associated universities are playing their part to centralise power, at the expense of our civil liberties.

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Look at Nazi WEF Stamer's Britain ,the Police come knocking on your Door if they don't like your Social Media Posts

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Will never set foot in Australia ever again until the Aussies reject the Commonwealth and King Chuckles III. You will never be free and will be continued to be treated like a penal colony by those that do not hold allegiance to only Australians.

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Our constitution is a sham-we are a corporation of America-or rather the gov’t is-they have all been sworn in illegally since 1975 or so!

It’s treason!! They don’t care about us. Who cares about King idiot and his paedophile family. They’ve probably killed Kate, in my opinion.

We need to make gov’t irrelevant!!! Each become a sovereign being, or person-not a sovereign citizen-there’s no such thing!

They have stolen our 1901 constitution, and made it a corporation, same for Canada-corporations of America!

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Also see: Life According to Albanese?

Is Albanese’s bill about truth or control? By exempting itself and allies, the government risks free speech, shaping a society where dissent is suppressed. Is this safeguarding or state censorship? https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/life-according-to-albanese

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

If the Australian government pushes through legislation designed to stop a dissenting perspective, it is, by implication against free speech, and therefore advocates for greater, excessive control.

If we don’t fight for our right to have free speech, we will lose all other freedoms, starting with fighting against a new wave of ‘vaccine’ rollouts.

Australia’s communications minister, Michelle Rowland is behind enforcing censorship against those who would threaten Australia’s safety, e.g., those undermining or questioning new vaccines.

So, if anyone questioning or critical of Big Pharma’s self-amplifying mRNA being rolled out in Japan will be censored.

Should it be introduced in Australia, the legal mechanisms are in place to silence dissent, critical voices. Without a counter voice, should another concocted fear campaign will leave the citizenry vulnerable to accepting new genetically modified gene therapies with no sufficient long term trials.

We know what follows: a greater increase in all-cause mortality, increased propaganda, greater persecution, and reduced freedoms.

This all begins with the subtle, but subversive attacks on our free speech!

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Fact is ‘free speech’ on vaccination has been in place for years…

Now the ‘Covid’ scandal may provide openings to overturn this.

We have to demand accountability, go after those ‘following orders’ who have trashed the personal autonomy and bodily integrity of people subjected to vaccine mandates, trashing voluntary informed consent.

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Thank goodness for good politicians with honesty and integrity, like Russell Broadbent and the few others who speak up fearlessly.

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I’m afraid for what some might want to do to our health, especially after the last few years. Reading recent articles about Elle Macpherson’s approach to her cancer is more pile-on to anyone who seeks options either in conjunction with pharmaceutical medicine or decides to use only natural therapies. People can be treated as criminals or as selfish individuals for asking questions about orthodoxy and for seeking holistic ways of attaining health. Who is the arbiter of misinformation and disinformation? What is harm and who decides? How many times have I read mainstream articles telling us we don’t need Vitamin D or other supplements? How many doctors know that some people need more Vitamin D than others and run tests to see what our Vitamin D levels are? The reason many people go to Integrative doctors and naturopaths, among others, is that there are many paths to good health, just as there are many answers to multiple questions in life, which is interesting and very complex. We don’t need or want bureaucrats and politicians decide for us how to live our lives and what we can say or can’t say. Centralised power is not healthy. I’m angry.

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Understatement: centralised power is not healthy! 🙂

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Hopefully it won’t ever come to this in major cities across the globe: the London poll tax riots in 1990 - https://youtu.be/I4QQN2aqeKA?si=Ohuuo9Utz1Sio_TC

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Wow! I didn’t know about that! I honestly would lay down my life for freedom and bodily autonomy, for myself and my family!

Thanks for the footage David!

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Where is the public’s protection from GOVERNMENT’S Mis, Dis and the suppression of Mal-Information to protect the people from a straight up Lyin’ Government as was the entire case of Covid-19 and the GMO shots?

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In a Democracy, Free Speech is paramount.

Respect and Gratitude to Honourable MP Russell Broadbent for Speaking on behalf of We The People.

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