Thank you, Ian. This clearly shows the brain dead and stubborn attitude of 'superiority' amongst many doctors and medical specialists. I look down on such people. They deserve three more Covid-19 mRNA boosters each.

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Appropriate punishment !

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My brother in law was diagnosed with the same. He was given 2 years. The specialist put him on a keto diet and he's still alive 5+ years later and back at work part time.

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Love a positive story. You will never see MSM report on the successful recoveries😁

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Ian, you helped save this Bill's life and improve the health of many others. Thank you. Look what happened to Elle Macpherson - criticised for seeking alternative treatment for breast cancer after her lumpectomy. It worked, as it did for Bill. Wouldn't it be great to have a government health department that is open to success stories like these and then be keen to adopt nutritional and integrative medicine as a wholesome alternative choice for Australians. If only.

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and the vastly lowered amount in the budget for medical.....

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A brilliant account - thank you!

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Great story Ian.👍

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